Close the books and open the screens: Notebooks should be replaced by laptops Close the books and open the screens: Notebooks should be replaced by laptops
BY ARIELLE KRAUS The high school students of today are growing up in an ever-changing technological world. With the rise in the use of... Close the books and open the screens: Notebooks should be replaced by laptops


The high school students of today are growing up in an ever-changing technological world. With the rise in the use of computers within classrooms, it would only make sense for students to begin using their laptops in place of notebooks.

A laptop is an essential part of the education of a high schooler. The majority of students own one and utilize it to access assignments, write essays and complete projects. Teachers have also incorporated these devices into their daily lesson plans.

BCPS provides students with free access to Office365 through Broward Single Sign-On. This free program includes a note-taking platform that is more efficient than that of a notebook.

The weight of a backpack full of school supplies can be extremely heavy. According to a study done by The New York Times, the average weight of a student’s backpack was 18.4 pounds. If students did not need to use notebooks, paper, binders or folders, and rather utilized a laptop– which is roughly 5 pounds– this weight would be taken off their shoulders.

Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) have adopted the program Canvas as a way for students to access class materials, instructions, assignments and quizzes. Canvas allows teachers to publish a class page online for students to easily locate. The program requires the use of technology for access, therefore laptops are the perfect tool.

Although the initial cost of a laptop is relatively high, the quality is superior to that of a notebook. When a notebook is purchased, it typically lasts for about a semester, or maybe a school year. However, over the course of the school year, notebooks are bound to break, rip and fall apart. Computers are more reliable and will last for a longer period of time.

Laptops can last for many years, and definitely all throughout high school. Notes taken on computers are easily accessible compared to those taken in notebooks. BCPS provides students with free access to Office365 through Broward Single Sign-On. This free program includes a note-taking platform that is more efficient than that of a notebook.

Many students tend to forget their notebooks at home because of block-scheduling. However, by using a laptop instead of a notebook, all work for both days will be stored within the computer.

Using a laptop in class provides educational benefits. With the amount of information just a click away, students can develop research skills that will help them thrive in today’s society. The internet is full of information that can be applied toward classwork and projects. As reported by National Public Radio (NPR), research showed that students working one-to-one with a computer increased their knowledge in the areas of writing, science and math.

By using laptops, students can also be proactive about helping the environment and going green. Computers are more eco-friendly than notebooks. Notebooks are made of about 70-100 sheets of paper, which is reducing the number of trees in the environment. On average, schools use 250,000 pieces of paper per year. This significant amount of waste could be reduced by allowing students to use laptops in place of notebooks.

With a different set of classes every other day, it can be difficult to remember what supplies are needed for which day. Many students tend to forget their notebooks at home because of block-scheduling. However, by using a laptop instead of a notebook, all work for both days will be stored within the computer.

Organization can be a concern for high school students. Trying to keep track of the work for all eight classes can be very challenging. One of the benefits of utilizing a laptop, according to Learning Liftoff, is the ability to use online calendars and easily keep track of assignments.

For notes, assignments, projects or, even, tests, laptops are beneficial. The integration of technology into the American school system is beneficial because it allows students to save the environment and be more organized. As technology evolves, education should as well– as of now, that evolution includes having students making the switch from notebooks to laptops.

Photo by Kayla Florenco