The 2011/12 Cooper City High Round-Up Yearbook will be on sale for the first time during open house at the one time only, low price of $70.
The open house sale is a long-standing tradition at CCHS, allowing parents to pick up the yearbook at a deep discount while they are at the school to meet their children’s teachers. In the past, around half the yearbooks sold for the year have been bought at the open house sale. The price of the yearbook goes up immediately after open house and continues to go up throughout the year. The final yearbook price will be $100 at the end of the year.
Buying early is also the only way to guarantee a copy. A limited amount of copies are ordered every year and the yearbook has sold out in the past.
This year’s yearbook staff feels it is worth the investment.
“We have been planning since last year and this yearbook is going to really surprise people by how unique and cutting edge it is in design and content. Our goal is to make people’s jaws drop in amazement when they see it.” Yearbook Adviser Tom Grozan said.
The yearbook content is not the only innovation the yearbook staff is responsible for this year. They are also going to be offering sneak peeks of pages throughout the year for those that are fans of their facebook (www.facebook.com/cchsroundup) and twitter (www.twitter.com/cchsyearbook) feeds as well as starting a “Yearbook Angel” program to help underprivileged students obtain a yearbook.
Parents and students can become a “Yearbook Angel” by paying $35 when they go to purchase their own yearbook. At the end of the school year, the yearbook staff will inform the guidance department of how many “Yearbook Angel” yearbooks are available and guidance will distribute those books to the students most in need.
Senior yearbook ad materials will also be available at open house. This year parents and family members have the opportunity to save 10% off the price of their ad if they submit it before October 28.
The Open House Yearbook Sale will be Tuesday, August 30 from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Parents are advised to get there early to avoid long lines. Yearbooks may be purchased with cash or a check made out to Cooper City High School. Yearbooks may also be purchased online that night with a credit or debit card. Go to www.coopercityhigh.net and look for online student payments under “quick links” on the main page.