High school is arguably the most important four years of schooling for students. Many of the things accomplished during this time will change how life is later led. Receiving a high school diploma will open many doors later in life, including going to college and getting a job that is enjoyable. A high school education is necessary for many things in life and students should make the most out of it to help themselves have a successful life.
High school is the first stepping stone on the path to setting up one’s life. Much of what one does during this time will greatly impact their future. Usually, this is when students have a vague idea of the job they want to do when they grow up.
High school is the first stepping stone on the path to setting up one’s life.
The journey to achieve that job might not be easy, which is why students should take high school seriously, making it easier to get that job and be successful as an adult.
Students should take all of these four years seriously because many components needed in the adult world are learned in high school. Throughout high school, kids are making the transition into young adults. Learning valuable skills such as working in groups will help students perform well in the future.
With many students in one room, the classroom setting is perfect for teaching skills such as cooperation and teamwork so that, later in life, these students will be able to complete bigger projects with coworkers.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the average dropout can expect to make an annual salary of about $20,241. This is a significant difference in income compared to an individual with a high school diploma, who can expect an annual salary of about $30,000. This shows that getting more education can help increase one’s salary.
Some may argue that high school is really not that important in order to succeed in life and that there are many ways to become successful without taking high school seriously. One example is David H. Murdock, a self-made billionaire that dropped out at 14. However, people like this are extremely rare. Going through high school and making the most out of it creates opportunities, such as earning a college degree, and helps set students up for success.
If one were to not take high school seriously, that would limit their future in many aspects compared to someone who makes the most out of it.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in 2017, high school dropouts had an unemployment rate of 7.7 percent, compared to an unemployment rate of 5.3 percent for students who graduated high school without college.
Being able to complete high school and earn a diploma makes it easier to obtain jobs that can support you. Many of the jobs in this country require at least a high school diploma or general education diploma (GED). This makes it difficult for somebody that didn’t finish high school to find a job that can support them and potentially their family.
Learning valuable skills such as working in groups will help students perform well in the future.
According to the BLS, in 2016, jobs that required a high school a high school diploma made up about 35.8 percent of jobs. But, this number is projected to increase by roughly 3.9 percent by 2024. Similarly, jobs that required a bachelor’s degree made up 21.3 percent of jobs, but this is projected to increase by 8.2 percent by 2024. Jobs that require higher college degrees, such as a master’s, also show a big increase by 2024.
This shows that, in the near future, finding a good job may require more education.
Making one’s high school experience meaningful can be one of the best things accomplished right now. After finally obtaining a high school diploma, an individual’s academic journey should not stop there. Students should make the most out of high school so that they are able to go to college and obtain a college degree. This will help one to have a well-rounded life in the future. The process will not be easy, but it is all for a good purpose.
Photo by Kimber Counts