It’s the 21st century and we are slowly shedding our traditional views for the better. When it comes to gender equality, women have made many great advances. Yet when it comes to dating, it seems as though feminist pride seems to slip away. Among their friends or on their own, girls preach about equality in the job market and in general aspects of society. Yet, next to a guy they become fragile, delicate creatures that need their doors pushed open, their chairs pulled back, and most importantly their movie ticket/ meal fully paid for. In this day and age, the idea that guys are obligated to pay for girls on dates is truly outdated.
It seems as though this antiquated idea is so hardwired into our brains that we adhere to it without questioning its actual purpose. However, it’s important for girls to understand that allowing a guy to pay for you isn’t a sign of passion or romance but rather a sign of how easily we give into this patriarchal system. There is truly nothing romantic about contributing to your own victimization. In a time where we are trying to stay away from traditional roles (females-weaker sex, males-the providers) this is counterproductive. If girls want to be viewed as strong and powerful as their partners, they should declare their independence by paying for half of the bill during dates. We tend to forget that our behaviors, even in relationships, are stepping stones to our journey towards gender equality.
Other than being retrograde, the whole concept is unfair on the guy’s end. When questioning this expectation of guys paying for girls, there is never a genuine reason and is usually justified as being “just because” or “that’s how it has always been”. In fact, it seems like everything relationship wise is put upon the guy’s shoulders. They’re the ones who have to take the initiative, ask us out, make the call, send the text. While it may take some time to truly find equality in the dating world, girls can at least meet guys half way when it comes to paying.
At today’s prices, these expenses can add up quickly. According to EllyKlein.com, the classic date, movie and dinner, add up to about 30 dollars per person. This means a guy would be spending, at the very least, 60 dollars on a single date. Let’s not forget the fact that with a tightly packed schedule of school, homework, and extracurricular activities, finding a part time job to pay for this is a challenge. Therefore, girls are either taking away from a small paycheck or scraping away at a guy’s allowance.
Still, in the end, the focus shouldn’t be so much on “who pays the bill?”, but rather on our ability to get rid of preexisting romantic notions such as this. While paying their share on dates may not rid the world of sexism, it is a step that will enable women to further obtain equality.