Weekly recap 8/20 – 8/24: Girls varsity volleyball takes a win and a loss
SportsVolleyball August 26, 2018 Admin

The girls varsity volleyball team made their way to Flanagan High School for their first game of the season on Monday, August 20 at 4:30 p.m. The Lady Cowboys had been practicing all throughout the summer for this game, trying to build their chemistry. With each set being incredibly intense, the Lady Cowboys pulled through and won all three sets. They were excited to have beat one of the best teams in the district, but they also knew they had to prepare for their game the next day against South Plantation High School.
“I think we have all been working hard during practice and the summer,” senior and captain Lauren Rock said. “We definitely have a chance of making it far this season.”
The Flanagan Falcons started off with the first serve, hitting it right over the net to the Cowboys. The ball went back and forth about two times until Devyn Moore spiked the ball and added another point to the board. The Cowboys added three more points to the scoreboard, but then the Falcons sided out and received the ball back. Seniors Saige Monteiro and Rock were key players in this first set, with Rock leading the team in digs and Monterio adding numerous points to the scoreboard. There were three timeouts called toward the end of the first set, with the Flanagan coach trying to slow the Lady Cowboys’ momentum. They score was 25-24, but in order to win the set they had to win by two points, so the Lady Cowboys finished it off with a score of 26-24.
The Lady Cowboys started off the first serve in the second set, scoring the first four points in the set. From the bleachers, the fans and players could hear Coach Smitherman repeatedly saying “talk, talk,” trying to get her team to fix their mistakes due to miscommunication. Cooper City started to come back, adding more points to the scoreboard. Junior Kaitlyn Anthony saved the Lady Cowboys from conceding points by blocking multiple spikes.
Although the Lady Cowboys made mistakes, Coach Smitherman stayed positive and lifted her girls up by making jokes with them. A timeout was called by each team, giving both of them time to figure out their game plans. Although the Falcons put up a good fight, the Lady Cowboys won the set with a score of 25-23.
With the third set coming up, the Lady Cowboys talked in their huddle to raise their confidence. They came out strong, waiting for the serve from the Falcons. The ball was going back and forth, with each team putting points on the scoreboard. About halfway through the set, a Flanagan player injured her ankle and had to be removed from the game, giving the serve back to the Falcons. Rock not only had multiples digs in this set, but she also set the ball for her teammates to score points. A timeout was called when the score was 24-22, with Cooper City in the lead.
After the minute break, the teams went back out onto the court and played. Junior Annalisa Dattilio spiked the ball and won the third set for the Lady Cowboys. After the game finished, each team lined up and high-fived each other, showing good sportsmanship. The Cowboys got into their huddle one last time and chanted their cheer, “1, 2, 3, Cowboys!”
On Tuesday, August 21 the Lady Cowboys played their second game of the season against South Plantation High School. After winning their game the day prior, they were determined to win this one. Although the girls fixed their mistakes from the previous game, the Paladins came out on top.
“I think we are going to do very well this season,” sophomore Cassie Hartmann said. “We have a lot of new players this year that have a lot of potential and I hope we win districts.”
Disclaimer: Cassie Hartmann is a photographer for The Lariat.
Photo by The Lariat Photography