Water polo: Making a splash on social media
SportsSwimming, Diving & Water Polo March 15, 2021 Admin

It’s no secret that water polo has remained one of the many hidden sports offered at CCHS. The team actively recruits in an attempt to fill its girls and boys rosters. However, a group of student-athletes is seeking to spread the word on the spring sport by using social media.
A new Instagram account by the name of @cowboyswaterpolo has become the face of the CCHS sport for many students. The page, which features the purposely ironic title “Professional Sports Team” and an off-guard photo of one student, is run by a group of players on the team.
In recent years, many student sports teams have taken to social media in order to share information and success stories. However, the student-run CCHS water polo account allows for the athletes to utilize their outgoing personalities and unique senses of humor.
Since the start of their spring season, the team has posted an Instagram picture along with an update on the outcome at each of their games. The photos range from professional-looking action shots to seemingly random selfies of players at their games. These are often accompanied by a caption describing the humorous events of a meet.
The account is run by juniors Zack Roisman and Yiftach Tock. As the team’s goalie, Roisman often credits himself with assisting in CCHS victories in his captions. Tock is also featured quite often, as he has been one of the top scorers this season.
“I would say the goal is to put as little thought as possible into it, just posting when necessary,” Roisman said.
While the account may have begun as an inside joke among the members of the team, it has obtained a significant following over the course of the past month. The page currently has over 70 followers, with the vast majority of them being CCHS students.
Regardless of its original intent, the water polo account has allowed the sport to gain significant attention. The photos have provided followers with an up-close and personal look into the life of a CCHS water polo player.
“I was nervous when I joined water polo, but I quickly discovered how fun the atmosphere was.”
Junior Kiara Ryan
Current team members also believe that the newfound attention will attract more athletes to join them. They hope that students will join to be a part of the enjoyable atmosphere and stay for the thrill of the sport.
“I was nervous when I joined water polo, but I quickly discovered how fun the atmosphere was,” junior Kiara Ryan said. “Everyone turned out to be pretty friendly, and the team spirit is always high.”
Disclaimer: This account is not officially owned or endorsed by Cooper City High School.
Photo courtesy of Cowboys Water Polo on Instagram