Top Ten TV Intros
BlogsEntertainment February 10, 2015 Admin

In the past 50 years, television has evolved in an astounding way. TV’s have been getting slimmer and better, the amount of shows have increased tremendously, and we’ve also been lucky enough to get some pretty interesting TV show intros. Here are the best of all time:
10. Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Although this show hasn’t been on air for awhile, it’s humorous parody of old cop action movies is amazingly portrayed through the opening monologue. We see unique scenarios taking place at their place of work, while the actors names flash across the screen, in an old 70s poor graphics kind of way. Walker Texas Ranger is also an acceptable substitute.
9. Dexter
Without having any prior knowledge to the plot of the show Dexter, you probably wouldn’t understand what makes the intro so remarkably creepy. We see the main character casually going about his morning routine, but it seems that each scene looks bloodier than the last, which is a perfect representation for a show about a serial killer.
8. Big Bang Theory
Here’s a sitcom which used its hook as an excuse to create a goofy, but epic one-minute intro. The sequence goes through all of history from the creation of the universe up till now before introducing its nerdy characters. It’s funny and catchy, and that’s all a good intro needs to be.
7. Friends
This show’s intro does a good job of cluing you in on each characters personality, even before it starts. It shows you a mix of the six main characters walking around a fountain, and sitting on a couch next to a lamp, while also blending scenes of various episodes. The catchy tune to back up the lively dancing taking place just makes you wanna get up and dance along with them.
6. The Walking Dead
For those who like character development and questionable reasoning, the Walking Dead intro is the one for you! With images of empty streets and shattered pictures lying around on the ground, the writers leave you asking many questions that can only be answered by watching the show.
5. American Horror Story
There’s not much to say about this one. To really understand the photos and scenes played in the title sequence, you would have to have finished the season. But even if you don’t understand it, you have to admit that the dark lighting and peculiar background noise are just too creepy for words.
4. The Simpsons
Probably one of the most famous title sequences ever, due to it’s various changes in each new episode. They’ve parodied many famous movies, and no one can forget the iconic couch scene.
3. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Let’s admit it, everyone and their mother has either sung this song once, tried to learn the lyrics, or knows them by heart. The lively tune that describes how Will made his way to Bel-Air not only hint on further character development, but also are a fun way to look back on the 90s, even if you’re too young to remember them.
2. Twilight Zone
This eerie intro has frightened people since the 1950’s, intriguing people from various ages to dare watch it and see if they can resist being scared. The unusual pictures displayed alongside the creepy voice of Rod Serling are enough to make you want to turn of the TV and sleep with a nightlight.
1. That 70’s Show
The intro to the hit Fox show That 70s Show perfectly captures the teenage lifestyle at a time where hippies were the next big thing. It features the six main cast members all sitting in one character’s, known by the name of Eric Forman, car. In the background, you hear Cheap Trick, the ultimate scene-setter.
10. Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Although this show hasn’t been on air for awhile, it’s humorous parody of old cop action movies is amazingly portrayed through the opening monologue. We see unique scenarios taking place at their place of work, while the actors names flash across the screen, in an old 70s poor graphics kind of way. Walker Texas Ranger is also an acceptable substitute.
9. Dexter
Without having any prior knowledge to the plot of the show Dexter, you probably wouldn’t understand what makes the intro so remarkably creepy. We see the main character casually going about his morning routine, but it seems that each scene looks bloodier than the last, which is a perfect representation for a show about a serial killer.
8. Big Bang Theory
Here’s a sitcom which used its hook as an excuse to create a goofy, but epic one-minute intro. The sequence goes through all of history from the creation of the universe up till now before introducing its nerdy characters. It’s funny and catchy, and that’s all a good intro needs to be.
7. Friends
This show’s intro does a good job of cluing you in on each characters personality, even before it starts. It shows you a mix of the six main characters walking around a fountain, and sitting on a couch next to a lamp, while also blending scenes of various episodes. The catchy tune to back up the lively dancing taking place just makes you wanna get up and dance along with them.
6. The Walking Dead
For those who like character development and questionable reasoning, the Walking Dead intro is the one for you! With images of empty streets and shattered pictures lying around on the ground, the writers leave you asking many questions that can only be answered by watching the show.
5. American Horror Story
There’s not much to say about this one. To really understand the photos and scenes played in the title sequence, you would have to have finished the season. But even if you don’t understand it, you have to admit that the dark lighting and peculiar background noise are just too creepy for words.
4. The Simpsons
Probably one of the most famous title sequences ever, due to it’s various changes in each new episode. They’ve parodied many famous movies, and no one can forget the iconic couch scene.
3. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Let’s admit it, everyone and their mother has either sung this song once, tried to learn the lyrics, or knows them by heart. The lively tune that describes how Will made his way to Bel-Air not only hint on further character development, but also are a fun way to look back on the 90s, even if you’re too young to remember them.
2. Twilight Zone
This eerie intro has frightened people since the 1950’s, intriguing people from various ages to dare watch it and see if they can resist being scared. The unusual pictures displayed alongside the creepy voice of Rod Serling are enough to make you want to turn of the TV and sleep with a nightlight.
1. That 70’s Show
The intro to the hit Fox show That 70s Show perfectly captures the teenage lifestyle at a time where hippies were the next big thing. It features the six main cast members all sitting in one character’s, known by the name of Eric Forman, car. In the background, you hear Cheap Trick, the ultimate scene-setter.