The Lariat won 16 awards at the annual Sun-Sentinel High School Journalism Awards held at Hollywood Hills High School on April 30, 2013.
The awards honor the best student journalism in Broward County. The Lariat took home the following awards.
Staffer of the year– Jeremy Haas
Editorial Section– Honorable Mention
News Section– Honorable Mention
News Writer– Kyra Bacon 3rd place
Sports Writer– Jacob Fierman Honorable Mention
Sports Columnist– Blue Kaufman Honorable Mention
Features Section– 3rd Place
Features Writer– Jessica Weaver 1st Place
Entertainment Section– 2nd place
Entertainment Writer– Alex Barnard Honorable Mention
Entertainment Writer– Jeremy Haas Honorable Mention
Entertainment Writer– Stacey Pasternak 2nd Place
Blogger/Columnist– Blue Kaufman 1st place
Headlines– 3rd place
Layout & Design – 2nd Place
Best Overall – 3rd Place