Sportswriters, 106, passed away in April 2020 due to the coronavirus. Born in 1914, sportswriters gave their lives to provide fans with the best coverage possible.
They had humble beginnings. Sports writing has been around for hundreds of years. Even Benjamin Franklin wrote about swimming before sportswriters were respected. It was not until 1914 that the job of a sports editor was considered an actual job. They started out by just having a small section in newspapers.
Then, sports started to become more popular, especially team sports. Sports coverage began to grow and reach more people and they started using different platforms. Radio gave commentary while the games were happening and televisions allowed people to watch sports games without leaving the home.
For many years, sportswriters have inspired and informed the public. They provided sports coverage, stats, opinions, predictions and more to the community. They were at their peak, reaching millions all over the world. They covered many sports at all different levels. They were popular, with publications and channels devoted to just sports.
For many years, sportswriters have inspired and informed the public.
That was until the coronavirus came. The major leagues canceled all the games, colleges canceled seasons and sportswriters could not even turn to cover high school sports. The other parts of newspapers were thriving with all the updates and the important information they were putting out. The sports sections had nothing. ESPN started showing Disney movies instead of broadcasting live sports.
Those sports writers lost everything. The high school students who needed to write for a grade tried to hold on to whatever they had left. The NBA now shows old games from years ago. People try to write sports opinions but it is not the same. We lost the summer Olympics and there may be more loss coming.
Not only did we lose the sports we like to watch but we are missing our favorite writers and broadcasters. Athletes are longing for their sports, while fans are experiencing grief and mourning the loss of sportswriters. The parks and bleachers are empty and so are the sports pages in the newspaper.
Those sports writers lost everything.
After many years of work, sportswriters have reached the end of the game. They are expected to come back but their loss has had a significant impact.
Disclaimer: This is a satirical article and should not be taken seriously. It was written with the intent of making people laugh. If this article is used for anything other than its recreational use, the writer and Cooper City High School claim no responsibility if anyone gets offended, injured or otherwise hurt in any way.
Photo courtesy of California Golden Blogs