When it comes to procrastination, the internet is often the reason behind it. With a variety of things to do, the web is the perfect way to waste some time. However, when talking about addictive internet time wasters, Wanelo and Pintrest are at the top of the list. So if you are ever looking for something to do when you’re bored* (or just want to avoid some homework) hop over to one of these sites for some fun. If you don’t already have an account chances are you soon will because they are gaining in popularity every day.
* Note : Be prepared. These sites are highly addictive. You might not be able to stop.
Pinterest, is a social networking site that allows you to virtually “pin” up different things that interest you in a simple organized ways. There are different categories like humor, crafts, recipes, fashion, etc. that you can go to and pick items or ideas from. The “everything” button is sort of a hodgepodge of everything you could ever dream up. When you find an object that interests you (and trust me its only a matter of time) you can pin them onto one of your “boards”. Then you can save whatever it is that you like onto one of your boards. Like Twitter and Instagram, you can follow other people with boards that interest you. With a newsfeed that never runs out, there’s always something new. There’s no end to your feed and no overlap with yesterday’s news because people are constantly posing ideas, comics, items, memes, and other random yet supremely satisfying objects.
Wanelo is another one of the webs current guilty pleasures. This website, which has been steadily growing over the last few months, is basically Pinterest except you can buy everything. Every item posted is for sale and has a link where you can buy it. However, if you’re like me and just want dream instead of spend, Wanelo allows you to save your items into different collections on your profile. There is even a special category where you can save items you want to give as gifts. Now your friends don’t have to guess what you want for your birthday they can just follow you and find out. Incredible right?