Cooper City High School staff and students faced off in their annual charity basketball game on Thursday, February 20 to raise money for the James and Lindsay Layer Scholarship Foundation.
Staff, students, and parents alike joined together in the CCHS gym at seven p.m. to ensure sufficient scholarship opportunities for student-athletes at Cooper City High. This event raised funds for the annual James and Lindsay Layer Scholarship Foundation.
The foundation was formed in honor of James and Lindsay Layer, former CCHS siblings who died in separate traffic accidents. The five-dollar admission fee, funds from raffle ticket sales, and any extra donations went to the cause and two seniors (one boy and one girl) will be selected to receive the scholarship money for 2014.
“It’s a great opportunity for all of us to come together to have a great time and keep the scholarship going,” Guidance Counselor and Event Organizer Ron Ziccardi said. “Most importantly, though, it’s to provide our students financial assistance for college.”
The Varsity Boys and Girls Basketball Teams were asked to play against selected staff members. Coaches Anthony, Coach Delapace, and English teacher Mr. Osborne were part of the staff team, clad in red. Staff members who chose not to play but wanted to be a part of the event had the option of being cheerleaders for their team. The Junior Varsity Cheerleading Squad was there to support the student team.
The two teams were neck and neck throughout the game. The students started off strong, with the female team playing first. When the male teams came in to play, the teachers quickly brought their score up to par. While the game stayed close, the students pushed ahead in the last quarter, resulting in the first student win in years.
While the time on the court was spent in fun and games, the Scholarship Foundation was the real driving force putting staff and students at odds to bring the school together.
“We hope to build school spirit, stronger community, have fun, and raise money for the James and Lindsay Layer Scholarship Foundation,” Ziccardi said.