The horrific bombs that exploded during the Boston Marathon on Monday have left a grieving city and nation. However in light of this unthinkable event, the New York Yankees paid tribute to the Red Sox as well as city of Boston at one of their home games.
Yes, you heard me right. A few weeks ago it would have been unimaginable but last Tuesday night “Sweet Caroline”, the unmistakable anthem of Fenway Park, could when be heard echoing throughout Yankee Stadium.
While the song roared in the Bronx, the crowd chanted along to the iconic tune. Following the song was a moment of silence for the victims. The Yankee emblem as well as the red sox logo was plastered on to the screen, a banner reading “united we stand” hung outside of the Yankee Stadium.
While the Boston Red Sox and the New York Yankees arguably have the most bitter and vicious rivalry in all of sports, these feelings of resentment were subdued in wake of this terrible tragedy and replaced by unity and friendship.
The act gained the approval of fans across the nation and inspired a chain reaction, where other teams began playing the tune in their ballparks as well. The songs writer, Neil Diamond, tweeted shortly after “Thank you NY Yankees for playing ‘Sweet Caroline’ for the people of Boston. You scored a home run in my heart. With respect, Neil #OneBoston”.
I am neither a Red Sox nor a Yankee fan, but still found myself genuinely moved by this generous act. It goes to show that there are bigger things, more important things, than a rivalry. While bombs may kill and injure, they cannot crush the American spirit and in times of tragedy this country unites, proving that good really does overcome the bad.
Hats off to the Yankees for such an act of camaraderie. What better way to lend support than through the union of the two oldest teams in America’s Pastime?
My thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Boston.