As of now, there stand two political leaders of varying levels of infamy, each of whom need to adjust their diplomatic skills in order to prevent a nuclear holocaust.
The first is the Supreme Leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-Un. The dictator is primarily known for creating a nuclear weapon crisis by encouraging the cultivation of a large number of nuclear weapons for the communist state of North Korea (one missile can supposedly reach Chicago and several other weapons have been created in bulk).
The second world leader of note is President Donald J. Trump, of the United States of America. Trump has acquired quite the list of past offences during his time in the presidency as well as his time campaigning. Trump has been lax in condemning white supremacists for the violent protests in Charlottesville, has been question to tax evasion and has a general lack of understanding for diplomacy.
North Korea poses a threat to the U.S. and its allies due to a few recent developments. The state itself is reflective of the “once” communist state of Russia, recent events appearing to resemble the Cold War (1947-1991), a conflict between the United States and the USSR (present-day Russia) as they entered a massive arms race. Fortunately, the Cold War ended without any direct physical conflict; however, the concept itself seems to have lent a few ideas to Jong-Un and his regime.
In truth, there is a singular difference between the actions of the USSR and today’s North Korea: Jong-Un is not unopposed to fighting a war granted that’s what is called for.
The serious nature of this matter has been somewhat undermined by Donald Trump himself. The two leaders were caught in the midst dispute, which involved Trump referencing Jong-Un as “Rocket Man” at a UN conference on Monday, September 25. Trump effectively stated that in order to defend the U.S. and its allies, the country may have “no choice but to totally destroy North Korea.” He also went on to say that “Rocket Man is on a suicide mission for himself and his regime.” This resulted in an interesting response from the Supreme Leader.
Jong-Un’s official statement, released Thursday, September 28, stated that, “A frightened dog barks louder. I will make the man holding the prerogative of the supreme command in the U.S. pay dearly for his speech calling for totally destroying the DPRK. I will surely and definitely tame the mentally deranged U.S. dotard with fire.”
The only reason Jong-Un’s statement catches the audience’s eye happens to be that, in addressing the President of the United States in such a forthright manner, especially stating that he will “pay dearly,” shows a general disregard for diplomacy (something which he and Trump have in common) and a lack of fear. Without fear, people are inclined to make reckless and potentially volatile decisions.
Though the president was certainly justified in calling out the opposition as a result of his self-created need for arms, he handled it in a manner which was less than gracious. Jong-Un is a man who is not only consciously aware of his efforts to acquire nuclear weapons, but he appears to have no qualms in regards to the matter itself.
Most students at Cooper City High School feel as though North Korea could potentially pose a threat, granted that that the state continues to build up its arsenal, furthering its chances of starting a nuclear war with the U.S. and its allies.
“As a leader, [Jung-Un is] trying to rule his country strong and hard and I don’t necessarily agree with his methods,” junior Johan Ruiz said. “ I’ve heard about [the North Korean Crisis], I don’t really try to pay attention to all of that because I’m hopeful nothing will happen. Should North Korea attack us, I would feel threatened, obviously because they are on the other side of the globe and if they can launch any sort of missile crisis against us that would be dangerous.”
Ruiz voices the concerns of most, though he does bring to light the fact that most students feel as though the threat itself is not immediate, something which could potentially be attributed to the fact that Trump has taken to, unintentionally, making the issue into a bit of a mockery.
“You shouldn’t be insulting a man of power especially someone who can blow up the United States, especially somewhere where he can see it,” junior Brittney Dreyer said. The North Korean crisis is already a matter which is heavily dependent upon diplomatic interactions, and, in a manner of speaking, Trump jeopardizes the nation’s chances of forgoing a war in making petty insults.
“I think it’s kind of a joke that we’re declaring war over simple things like simple threats that are said ambiguously,” junior Collin Schwantes said. “Jong-Un is very immature to jump the gun by declaring war over a simple insult and Trump’s Rocket Man comment was uncalled for, but it’s really up to both of them to be mature and talk about it, rather than waging war.”
Though admittedly both leaders have their faults, the issue itself can only be resolved with thoughtful and diplomatic measures that should keep both nations from encroaching upon each other’s territories as well as an all out nuclear warfare.
Photo courtesy of “Viral Newest”, CC license