Review: Thisiswhyimbroke.com
EntertainmentReviews March 19, 2013 Admin

Thisiswhyimbroke.com is a site that enables you to scroll through thousands of unique items up for sale. The clever merchandise is ideal for gift ideas as well as geeky, miscellaneous items for you. The website staff consists of three men, two women, and their dog Chewbacca. They started this free online magazine claiming that they partake in too much online window-shopping, which gave them the bright idea to start a page listing all of the exotic items they come across.
On this website you’ll come across charismatic items spanning from outdoor light up cubes to a life size game of bowling. The prices are fairly reasonable with a few exceptions of upper class quality items. This website is a great way to pass time when you’re bored or even a good source to find those unordinary items you’ve been dying to have. One look at this site and you’ll come back looking for more. After all, who doesn’t love being entertained with outrageously awesome products?
Some items on the website really caught my eye such as the finger scanning lock that allows one to go keyless. This clever deadbolt door lock only opens to authorized fingerprints. Also, have you ever bumped your head while trying to stick your mouth under the running faucet water? Have no fear because the water fountain toothbrush has already been invented. This fancy item features a small funnel that pushes a steady stream of water upwards into a drinking fountain motion, making it easier for you to wash out your mouth after brushing. One last item that has truly impacted me was the hangout cocoon. This modern and beautiful item is suspended by trees and is an alternative from building a tacky tree house. Unfortunately this item costs about $8,000, but one can dream.
This website is an overall 9.5 out of 10. The website is brilliant and keeps me constantly entertained, the concept is truly amazing. Almost every item on this site never fails to knock my jaw straight to the ground. These young men and women certainly created a satisfying online magazine with thousands of fascinating products that constantly keep me coming back for more.