Review: The Legend Of Korra Season 2
EntertainmentReviews December 18, 2013 Admin

Millions watched and loved Avatar: The Last Airbender when it first aired, and nearly all of them tuned in for Season one ofThe Legend of Korra, a continuation or sequel of sorts, that takes place in the same universe. While the first season had its fair share of shortcomings, Season two fixes them, and contains everything fans initially hoped for from the new series.
Unlike the original series, which had one large story spanning three seasons, Season two (also known as Book 2: Spirits) of The Legend of Korra is almost completely unrelated to the events of season one, focusing more on the how the spirit world and physical world has become increasingly unbalanced, all while attacks from dark spirits are becoming more common. Many characters return and get the character development they deserved in season one, and annoying side plots like love triangles don’t intrude on the main story.
The first half of the season, animated mostly by Studio Pierrot, is pretty good, but the second half, which is animated by Studio Mir, is simply astonishing. It features beautiful settings and battle sequences, which are on par, and maybe even better than the ones from The Last Airbender.
By the end of the season, the Avatar universe has lore deeper and richer than ever before, and is accompanied by just the right amount of fan service. The story, and art style aren’t the only good things about the new season though. As usual, the voice acting is superb, especially from veteran J. K. Simmons, and rookie Steven Yeun (You probably know him as Glenn from The Walking Dead).
Even if you were disappointed by Season one of The Legend of Korra, Season two does everything it can to right previous wrongs, and provides us with yet another spectacular show.