Review: Girls
EntertainmentReviews May 15, 2012 Admin

It’s two years after graduating college and life seems to be going by slowly for Hannah Horvath. Even though living in New York City may seem as if it can offer endless opportunities, you’re still stuck at the same dead-end unpaid internship. After going to dinner with your parents, you discover they are cutting you off financially, forcing you to move in with your friend. This is the story of Hannah, the main character of HBO’s new show Girls.
This series is said to be the successor to Sex and the City on HBO, but although it has the same basic scenario, four girls living in New York, it is far from it. The show is about real situations that occur for most post-grads, differing greatly from the glitz and glam of Carrie Bradshaw’s life. Together, these four girls are going through the motions of life, “living the dream one mistake at a time.” The show manages to focus on down to earth experiences that many girls deal with, making it relatable for many. Girls is witty, raunchy, and full of dry humor.
The pilot episode starts off with Hannah having dinner with her parents. As she continues to eat away at her spaghetti, her mother breaks the news to her that she will be cut off financially. Stunned, Hannah tries to convince her parents that she is still only working at an internship and cannot afford her apartment on her own. When she realizes she can no longer live there, she calls up her best friend Marnie and moves in with her, along with her boyfriend. The show then proceeds to introduce their other two friends and gives the viewer an idea of their personalities and how they all differ. The pilot gives a good first impression of the characters and what we can expect to see for the upcoming season. The characters are relatable and fun to watch. Since only four episodes have been aired, it’s not clear as to what direction the show plans to go, but it should be a decent one.
Overall, the show is fun and unpredictable. The characters portrayed resemble modern day twenty-year-olds just trying to make it through life, dealing with work, guys, and everything in between. The actors chosen do an excellent job of developing their characters personality, which makes the show realistic. Girls has already been renewed for a second season, suggesting that HBO feels the show will last for a while. The show is definitely worth checking out for those looking for a good laugh.