Review: Big Sean- Detroit
EntertainmentReviews September 14, 2012 Admin

Rap sensation Big Sean released his mixtape, Detroit, this past week and it instantly racked up thousands of views and downloads. Big Sean has created a unique blend of up-tempo and fast paced beats on Detroit that work perfectly. Detroit shows off Big Sean’s excellent rhyming skill as well as his ability to keep the listener tuned in throughout each verse, just waiting for the next clever line.
Detroit is different than Big Sean’s previous mixtape, Finally Famous Vol. 3: BIG, not because of style but because of the lyrical content. This can be attributed to recent changes in his life, including being signed to G.O.O.D. Music, a rap label run by Kanye West.
Big Sean uses a plethora of “hard” beats as well as top of the line rhyming techniques to hook the listener instantly. Big Sean is known for his style; however, on Detroit he has perfected his art. Each line flows into the next as Big Sean ends each line with a clever rhyme in songs such as “Higher” and “Mula”.
Big Sean incorporates his emotional side into Detroit. In songs such as “Sellin Dreams” and “I’m Gonna Be” Big Sean shows the deeper meaning behind his music and lets the listener in on the trials and tribulations of his life, showing fans a side of himself they don’t often see.
Detroit is a work of art. Not only does the album expose Big Sean’s serious side, but it also features guest spots by huge rap artists such as Chris Brown, Kendrick Lamar and Tyga. Fans and other listeners will definitely not be disappointed by Detroit, which will only get people pumped for his upcoming collaboration album, Cruel Summer.