The hectic life of a student-athlete is determined by many variables, many of which are incited by their coaching staff. It becomes increasingly difficult when practices are scheduled to fit within the coach’s work schedule, yet conflict with students’ schedules.
Most students rush home from school just to get changed, maybe eat something and then rush right back out for their sports practice or conditioning. That barely leaves any time for homework until after practice. It becomes much more difficult to manage the separate student and athlete parts of being a student-athlete.
Multiple sports teams at CCHS are run by people who have nothing to do with the school. Hiring someone that is not affiliated with the school can bring along many problems. It should be a requirement that at least one of the coaches, head or assistant coach, must work at the school.
Having the coach at the school would help when focusing on the student side of being a student-athlete. A teacher as a coach would eliminate some problems that the teams face, especially when it comes to scheduling.
Having the coach at the school would help when focusing on the student side of being a student-athlete.
The scheduling of a sports team is difficult to manage between the practices, conditioning, games and tournaments. Some sports teams start practice later in the day because the coach’s job interferes. Teachers or administrators have almost the same schedule as the students, so if they became coaches, conflicts with school work would not be nearly as frequent.
Coaches that are not familiar with the school calendar are completely unaware of Professional Study Days (PSD), early release days, midterms and other days off of school. They force the students to practice on days off or do not adjust the schedule for the students’ best interest.
Also, Before someone can become a coach or affiliated with the school, they have to go through a background check. If school administrators instead hired from within the school– from within their own staff– the implementation of a coach would be an easier and more effective process.
When any group affiliated with the school goes on overnight field trips, they need a chaperone employed by the school to go. It can become an issue finding a member of the staff to go on trips, especially sports tripes. Having a school-employed coach could also help provide trip chaperones whenever necessary.
On the other hand, many teams are run by people who are not employed by CCHS.
Cooper City has many teachers or administrators who are coaches. In recent years, many teams have been successfully run by teachers. Football, golf and wrestling are just a few examples of teachers running teams.
On the other hand, many teams are run by people who are not employed by CCHS. Those coaches cannot be fired because then roughly half the teams would be left with no coaching staff. It is important that the school takes all the steps they can in order to find a coach that is a part of their staff.
If the team was run by someone who works at the same place as the students, it would be more effective for the school and the student-athletes. It may help the athletes’ hectic lives become a little less hectic.
Photo by Genna Nordling