Preparing for the storm: Five must-haves during the hurricane season Preparing for the storm: Five must-haves during the hurricane season
BY EMMA FRANZ When people begin to think of a hurricane, their mind typically goes through a whirlwind of emotions. Starting with small jitters... Preparing for the storm: Five must-haves during the hurricane season


When people begin to think of a hurricane, their mind typically goes through a whirlwind of emotions. Starting with small jitters and progressing into complete panic mode, the cause of these emotions is often a lack of preparation.

Too many people wait until the last moment to get their supplies and make a final run to their nearest store in desperation. Mother Nature is never completely predictable, so even if you think the storm will blow over, make sure to keep a collection of hurricane necessities stored at all times.

There is no harm in being overly prepared for a storm, so here is a list of five ways to ensure your hurricane storage kit is the best it can be.


While water is not necessarily everyone’s first beverage choice, it nevertheless holds great importance. Store water in plastic containers, such as old soda bottles, and fill up as many bottles as you can. The average person requires two quarts per day, so it is crucial to fill at least a gallon per person in case of extreme weather conditions.


It may be hard to imagine a meal without the use of your stove or microwave but, unfortunately, hurricanes take control of what will be served on your plate. A three-day supply of nonperishable food is essential. Foods that require little-to-no preparation or cooking are key, as there will most likely be a power outage. Some options include canned fruits, vegetables and soup.

First-aid kit

While food and water are two main priorities when it comes to preparing for a hurricane, a first-aid kit should not be forgotten. While a popular belief is that being inside guarantees safety, injuries can still occur while seeking shelter from the storm. Some items that should be included within a first-aid kit are adhesive and gauze bandages, batteries, flashlights, gauze pads, hand wipes, adhesive tape, antibacterial ointment, a cool pack, scissors, tweezers, latex gloves and a cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) barrier.


It may definitely be a challenge to withstand the smell of not showering for a few days, but there are many other ways to keep up with personal hygiene. Make sure to pack enough clothing items for at least a week. Don’t worry about dressing to impress as comfort should be the top priority when selecting these outfits. The air conditioning will most likely go out and it won’t be long until the heat and humidity of Florida come into effect. Make sure to pack light clothing, such as shorts and a light top. Thermal wear, sunglasses, a raincoat and rainboots will also appear beneficial in the long run.


Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine even a moment without technology and luckily, with the invention of battery packs, it can remain just a terrible thought. To ensure that smartphones and tablets do not fall victim to a power outage, it is wise to charge multiple portable battery packs/chargers to keep technology running for as long as possible. Unfortunately, battery packs don’t prevent the outage of television, but they allow for binge-watching marathons to continue.

Overall, planning and effort can result in securing safety and comfort during the hurricane season. With the help of These five “must haves” each hurricane will appear as less of a battle.

Photo by Kayla Florenco