Many students have fallen victim to spending a few too many dollars on the annual band chocolate bar sale, but a person can only have so much chocolate. To avoid this rabbit hole of sugar, the 2023-24 school year has brought some creative new fundraisers for CCHS to enjoy.
Sometimes when walking through the halls, it’s hard to resist a simple $1 chocolate treat. This year, in addition to band, DECA sold chocolate bars as a way to help fund future trips and events for the club.
“The process of selling chocolate helps develop a businessman’s resilience,” junior Matthew Tinajero said. “Continuing to sell even when some of your products don’t do as well as others, like the almond chocolate.”
Although students love their one-dollar sweet treats sold by both band and DECA this year, they also have the option of purchasing a variety of new items including fidget toys and croc charms. An “escape room” fundraiser is also in the works to support CCHS’ thespians.
Robotics Club did a new fundraiser this year where they sold fun three-dimensional printed figures. These sales will go towards funding for future robotics projects and events and also provide students with a cheap, accessible and fun class fidget.
“We are selling some superb fidget toys and figures to help fundraise for our amazing robotics club,” junior Kevin Bergen said. “They are printed and manufactured by our very own robotics clubs future engineers.”
While toys and figures are fun, the class of 2026 had more stylish fundraising plans. Run by Class Sponsor Deborah Covard, the sophomore class started an exciting croc charm fundraiser this year.
These sales provided super cute Halloween charms that students could buy throughout the week of October 9, and style however they liked. The class was able to raise money by selling a bunch of charms throughout the week.
“With the holiday coming up, we thought Halloween charms were a great idea,” Covard said. “We figured since everyone wears Crocs and has their own unique style, it would be a good way to fundraise.”
Students should definitely stay on the lookout for some awesome new fundraisers coming up this year.
“We have a lot of different ways to fundraise that haven’t been done before,” Covard said.
While physical trinkets and treats are always a blast, this year’s thespians are hosting a physical fundraiser for their club.
A homemade escape room costing five dollars per ticket will allow students to work together and learn more about the thespian fall production during both lunches and after school.
“Everyone should definitely come to check out our escape room on November 6,8 and 9,” junior and thespian Brooke Shears said. “We’re working really hard on it and it’s gonna be a lot of fun.”
The variety of creative fundraisers have helped raise school spirit and activity in different clubs. From snacks to charms to an upcoming escape room, CCHS’ amazing clubs never run out of ideas.