New Walkway
BlogsEntertainment November 8, 2015 Admin

There is something new on campus this year, and it’s not just the freshmen. A stunning innovation was added to Cooper City High School: the new walkway. The time it takes to travel between buildings has been cut in half thanks to this groundbreaking addition (pun intended).
Not only are students obligated to arrive at school while the moon is still visible, but are also expected to arrive to class on time. Getting around campus is surprisingly difficult and takes a lot of effort which I am not always willing to exert early in the morning. Stairs are one of the biggest obstacles to getting around, but last year, there was something even more difficult to overcome: crossing the courtyard.
Ever since the addition of the 4900 building, there has been significantly more mud on my shoes due to cutting through the grass in an effort to not be tardy. Rain is a common occurrence in Florida and inevitably, when it rains, pathways are always more clogged with students and their oversized backpacks, which makes taking a shortcut through the grass all the more appealing. Unfortunately rain turns any grassy area into a swamp, which isn’t good for student’s clothing or for the school’s flooring. It didn’t go unnoticed that students were cutting their own path, and in response new walkways were built, making trekking around the school a little bit easier.