It started off as simply COVID-19, and nearly three years later, the virus has mutated and now evolved to what is known as the Omicron variant. The first case of Omicron was confirmed in the US in California just a few weeks before Thanksgiving surprise, but not a very giving one.
Public experts have announced that the Delta and Omicron variants are expected to spread and they are encouraging those who are eligible to get the vaccine and booster shot to prevent hospitalization from these incoming and deadly variants.
“Both of my parents received the booster shot and I am fully vaccinated,” sophomore Devin Alderman said. “Once I am eligible for the booster shot I will be taking it. I feel confident that it is effective and I want to ensure safety for myself and those around me.”
It’s unclear if the Omicron transmission causes more severe diseases than infections caused by other variations, such as Delta. However, as more research emerges from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) it’s important to remain taking precautions to guarantee safety amongst ourselves and others.
CCHS Adopts Children for the Holidays!: SATC Adopted Child is making a huge comeback this year
Every year, Cooper City High School’s Student Government Association (SGA) hosts a holiday celebration for children who have been sexually abused and are receiving treatment at the Nancy J. Cotterman Treatment Center, as well as their siblings and families.
As a result of the large number of teachers who have signed up to adopt a child, many are sharing a child to raise funds and toys. Children and families should be expecting funds over nearly $1,000 which should be enough for not only Christmas presents for the little ones but funding to pay for food or any bills that need to be paid off.
“This year, classes together raised a tremendous amount of money for their adopted kids at SATC and SGA will be working hard to wrap these gifts and spread love for the holiday season!” sophomore and SGA secretary Ellen Huang said.
Many teachers and students are shocked by how plentiful and generous students have been this year. Many children’s hearts are filled by the amount of kindness and the exceeding amount of love and support from our fellow cowboys!
CCHS’s Athletic Signing Day: Policy causes athletes to miss out on their big day
As a senior, committing to a college is a huge deal and celebrating your success with the high school is an enjoyable experience to share with your friends, teachers and family. In November many gathered to cheer on the seniors.
From the CCHS swim team, senior Mallory Schleicher committed to University of Florida in Gainesville. Family and teachers were proud to congratulate her on her success.
For the softball team, Kristen Caravaca has committed to the University of North Florida, Jacksonville, Florida. Jordan Hustey will be going to Tennessee Martin University in Martin, Tennessee. Sydney Totarsky will be going to St. John’s University in Jamaica, New York. Bianca Polistina will be going to St. Leo’s University in St. Leo, Florida. AJ Albano will be going to Converse University in Spartanburg, South Carolina.
Each athlete was brought to the front and given the chance to sign their commitment letter. So many proud families, coaches, and teachers were there to honor and support these students. Photos were taken to capture these moments and memories that will forever follow these seniors.
However, Duke commit Carina Lageyre was unable to experience the thrill of signing at her high school due to a policy that goes over the idea that if you don’t play sports for the school, you aren’t eligible to participate in the signing day.
“As a student athlete, who has attended Cooper City High as a student to take challenging academic courses,” senior Lageyre said. “I felt really upset that I could not experience signing day with my friends and teachers at school who had wondered why I wasn’t signing. Signing day is a great thing to be a part of and it is a celebration of both athletes’ performance in the classroom and in sport, which contributed to us getting committed.”
Lagyre expresses how she hopes the school recognizes an athlete’s commitment and focus on club soccer will be provided with the same opportunity as the following signees.
Photo courtesy of Detroit Free Press