Man on the street: Seniors versus freshman on the college application process
NewsOff-campus November 1, 2020 Admin

Forget the most wonderful time of the year; it’s the most stressful time of year. It’s college application season.
As the CCHS class of 2021 is completing their high school journey, many are also beginning the college application process, which determines their acceptance into different universities and postsecondary institutions. The dread of this process looms over the heads of many high school seniors as their grades, activities and personal essays will be scrutinized by colleges.
On the other hand, for CCHS freshmen that are just beginning to navigate their way through high school, the college application process seems so far away. They have just barely begun high school, so they have a while to wait before they need to apply to college.
So, how does a senior’s view of the college application process differ from a freshman’s view? The Lariat asked both seniors and freshmen about their opinions on the college application process and the stress it involves, and here’s what they said:
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All photos courtesy of those pictured
Photo courtesy of The Harvard Crimson