Emily Sutker lived next door to me my whole life and we grew up like sisters. When she was diagnosed with Leukemia, my whole world stood still. I would go over to her house and try to think up ways to cheer her up and get her mind off of the negative things. Sometimes we would watch movies like “Gnomeo and Juliette”, which she absolutely loved, and sometimes we would just sit there and talk about anything and everything. One day she came over to my house and my cat immediately jumped onto her stomach and fell asleep. This was really strange because my cat usually kept to himself, and rarely ever jumped up onto people. A lot of people believe that animals will go to people that they feel are somehow in need; whether they’re sick, hurt, or simply depressed. Emily was convinced, and so was I, that my cat knew that she was sick. Emily took comfort in this and continued to come over, and my cat continued to fall asleep on her. This picture was taken during one of her many visits.