With Advanced Placement (AP) tests beginning only a few weeks from now it is crucial for students to be well prepared, both academically and nutritionally.
While cramming at the last minute is certainly doable, it often proves to be an ineffective and unhealthy strategy. It’s highly recommended for students to start reviewing and preparing for an AP test weeks in advance. Fortunately, the myriad of resources found inside and outside of school make preparing for an exam fairly simple. Essentially, it is up to the student to take advantage of what is in front of them in order to succeed.
One of the best ways to review is to invest in an AP review book. In these books, students can find resourceful information such as practice tests with descriptive answers, and, in some cases, helpful note cards. Taking these practice tests every week prior to the exam will help a student to look for areas of improvement while becoming familiar with the types of questions that will be on the test. Review books also contain lessons and information on the subject being tested on. One may not only review what they’ve already learned, but also acquire new information they may not have learned in class. Review books offer great insight into AP exams, immensely helping students prepare.
Cultivating a school year’s worth of information into one simple study guide may be difficult and stressful. AP review sessions may seem like too much of a hassle, but they are definitely worth it. During a review session, the teacher will go through a quick run-down of the exam while discussing certain test taking tips that are sure to make a student feel more comfortable with the exam. Not only that, but hearing input from your teacher, who is certainly well acquainted with the information, can help one better understand necessary material and prepare for the exam.
Studying is out of the question on the actual day of the exam, but there are still some things you could do to prepare. It is important to be nutritionally and mentally prepared. Going to sleep at a reasonable time the night before can aid in concentration and information retrieval. Eating a hearty breakfast in the morning will also allow one to be more alert and focused while taking the three-and-a-half hour-long exam.
Finally, be positive. One can only do so much to prepare. Now’s the time to show all the hard work you’ve done over the year!