The 2020-2021 high school sports season presented itself in a unique manner this school year. Due to the health concerns of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the fall season endured a late start. Regardless of the delay, competition is well underway, with the CCHS sports teams preparing for the fall season after participating in their season-openers.
The Broward County Athletic Association (BCAA) conducted a gradual approach in reopening athletic programs throughout the district. Teams were limited to independent conditioning and eventually limited practices. However, now into phase three of its plan, the BCAA has permitted gameplay, allowing for the official commencement of fall competition.
Following weeks of conditioning, the CCHS football program began gameplay. The varsity team scheduled its first away game of the season against Flanagan High School for Friday, October 30. Due to multiple rain delays, the teams were only able to play the first half of the game. The matchup has yet to be rescheduled.
The junior varsity football team was unable to compete in its first home game scheduled for Wednesday, November 4 due to a COVID-19 case within the West Broward program. Their limited schedule has restricted them to two games later this November.
Cross Country
Cross country is underway. Prospective players have been given the option to train as a team or independently due to variations in concern over the coronavirus. The on-campus athletes competed in their first away meet at Markham Park on Wednesday, October 28. CCHS students ran alongside West Broward, Cypress Bay, Everglades and Western representatives.
Their first and only home game was held Wednesday, November 4. CCHS competed against Cypress Bay, Everglades and Flanagan. The team has four more meets lined up to take place within the coming months.
The CCHS volleyball program has commenced competition as well. The girls’ varsity team participated in its season opener on Monday, October 26 against Monarch High School. The Lady Cowboys secured a 3-1 win as defending district champions.
In accordance with the football program, the cheerleading team has also formed following a series of tryouts and practices. The squad, which has been significantly limited to cheering mostly at home games, is also training for competitive meets.
A select few sports, which would traditionally participate in fall competition, continue to be delayed. Swimming and diving, for instance, has moved its season into the spring. There is hope among coaches and players for a swift start to the spring season when the time comes.
Photo by Kayla Gates