Keeping “someplace special”: Here are the candidates for Cooper City’s District 4 Commissioner race
NewsOff-campus October 22, 2020 Admin

Marty Sherwood
⎋ https://www.martysherwood.com/
✉ [email protected]
1. What is the main issue(s) or topic(s) you believe is most important to Cooper City and that you are primarily fighting for in this race? Why do you think this impacts the Cooper City community the most?
– Protecting the health and safety of our community including schools.
– Responding to COVID-19 and rebuilding from its effects for residents and businesses.
– Closely track[ing] and monitor[ing] the new contract with law enforcement and fire safety officials.
– Reinstating City Ordinance Violation (COV’s) powers to patrol deputies.
– Maintenance and upkeep of town-wide facilities.
– Quality of life issues.
2. Why should a first-time voter, particularly those still in high school, cast their vote for you? What can you offer them?
As commissioner, I will initiate the development of a long-term strategic plan with community input of all ages. This plan would include critical infrastructure improvements with funding from the new Broward penny surtax (not from city taxes), which I presently oversee. Additionally, I will ensure they happen on time and within budget. These issues all have long-term implications critical to young voters.
3. How do you plan to improve the lives of Cooper City residents and students in Cooper City schools?
– A review is necessary to streamline and make Cooper City government more efficient.
– Provide solid waste cost savings for all Cooper City residents through regionalization.
– Support a Broward County green goal of 75% recycling.
– Continue as a voting member of the Solid Waste Technical Advisory Council.
4. The priorities listed on your website, while being significant contributions to the city, seem general, rather than specified forms of policy. What would you specifically do as commissioner to ensure that these priorities are accomplished?
– Save taxpayer dollars by streamlining and making government more efficient, such as “flexing” Code Enforcement to weekend coverage when more violations tend to occur (at no additional cost).
– Ensure infrastructure improvements happen on time and within budget.
– Work to protect our parks & recreation system and green space by not approving development within designated conservation and public purpose areas.
– Promote and support our schools to ensure they remain top-rate by meeting and planning municipal functions/activities with school administration, as well as have the city’s Educational Advisory Board continue as direct school liaisons.
– Work closely with law enforcement to improve public safety, including potentially increasing funding for School Safety Resource Officers.
– Ensure our city receives its fair share of the new Broward penny surtax through timely submission of capital improvement requests.
5. Lastly, why should Cooper City voters vote for you?
A lifetime of community and public service. I have the knowledge, skills and experience. My unique skill set aligns with Cooper City’s needs and makes me the best candidate to help lead our City into the future. My wife, Pam, is a fourth grade Broward public school teacher. My mother and sister were also teachers. Our two children, Craig and Tori, are both Broward public school educated. Craig is a Biomedical Engineering graduate from Georgia Tech and attending Nova Southeastern University while my daughter, Tori, is a First Responder/Registered Nurse and Florida State University graduate working at Memorial West [Hospital]. I believe excellent schools promote increased property values and will ensure they all remain top-rate. I am a Certified Public Accountant and Certified Government Finance Officer with over 25 years of government management, budgeting and finance experience. Currently, I am the Town Financial Administrator for the neighboring Town of Southwest Ranches. My prior consulting experience includes the city of Aventura, where I also fiscally managed both a charter elementary and middle schools, and almost 10 years working at Broward County within the Water, Solid Waste and Recycling divisions. Please allow me to continue my public and community service by establishing sound public policy full-time with passion as your commissioner. Visit martysherwood.com and please vote for me on November 3.