Keeping “someplace special”: Here are the candidates for Cooper City’s District 4 Commissioner race
NewsOff-campus October 22, 2020 Admin

Jennifer Goldfarb
⎋ https://www.goldfarb4cc.net/
✉ [email protected]
1. What is the main issue(s) or topic(s) you believe is most important to Cooper City and that you are primarily fighting for in this race? Why do you think this impacts the Cooper City community the most?
The main issue that I believe is important in this race is ensuring that the city is being fiscally responsible. The city should strive for the highest standard of efficiency. By ensuring that the tightest controls are established in the city, we can work towards using our tax money wisely. Our residents work hard for their money and the city should not spend it wastefully.
2. Why should a first-time voter, particularly those still in high school, cast their vote for you? What can you offer them?
Many first-time voters at Cooper City High School know my track record of volunteering in the schools and other organizations personally, whether that was volunteering with the Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) at Stampede or through scouts and other organizations. I have always volunteered my spare time for the good of the community and that will continue when I am elected as commissioner. The residents are my first priority.
3. How do you plan to improve the lives of Cooper City residents and students in Cooper City schools?
The relationship that the city has with Cooper City High School is invaluable. Currently, I have two students at Cooper City High School and I am acutely aware of the needs that our school has. Together we can ensure that the next generation of leaders has the resources to excel. When our youngest generation succeeds, so does our community.
4. You mention on your website that you’d like to prioritize public safety by working in collaboration with the Broward Sheriff’s Office (BSO). How would you address this in light of BSO’s recent threat to pull out of their contract with the city?
Thankfully, a contract was negotiated and signed by all parties to ensure that we continue to have the highest level of public safety for our city. We must continue to ensure that we have the staff and equipment needed to take care of the residents. Public safety should be the top priority for the city, but we should also continually monitor this contract to determine if changes need to be made.
5. Lastly, why should Cooper City voters vote for you?
Cooper City residents should vote for me because I have a 15-year track record of giving back to the community. My history of service proves that I have the right intentions. Additionally, I have been an accountant for 25 years with a master’s degree in Forensic Accounting and I look forward to using those skills to assist the city for years to come.