Marriage is an agreement made between two people who love each other and vow to never leave the other’s side. This is how it has been for DC comics long before the time boom of Flashpoint and even dating back to the Silver Age. However, in recent events, DC has been demolishing some classic marriages. In the New 52, Aquaman and Mera are no longer married; a shock to DC fans everywhere.
Recently, Dan Didio announced the ending of the Batwoman series and that the writer would be simply “leaving.” This occurred right after Batwoman proposed to her girlfriend. Didio then made another statement saying that none of the DC Comic characters in the New 52 are married nor will they continue to be married, condemning the vow as “distraction” towards what the heroes fight for. This news left many people upset and many fans went as far as contacting Didio through Twitter to express their thoughts.
“@dandidio1 loyal buyer for 10+ years, no longer supporting DC after @JHWilliamsIII departure from Batwoman. Just voicing my decision,” said one, dissatisfied, fan of DC.
Other frustrated fans stated they would no longer purchase comics from DC due to their lack of marriages. While the marriage removal isn’t the only issue that caused the vast decrease in DC fans, for many it was the last straw.
One thing that doesn’t make sense about the No Marriage Law in the comics is Aquaman and Mera’s relationship. By reversing the marriage rule Didio is claiming that the marriage never even existed, yet DC Comic’s official Wikipedia page states otherwise. Also, the only way Mera could be Queen of Atlantis is if she were to be wed to the king, putting the comic company in a tight situation. If they are to state that the couple is not married they not only lose fans but would also contradict the stories foundation. Mera can either continue to wear the crown or can’t be married, she simply cannot be both. The same goes for Batwoman as well as The Flash and his “girlfriend”.
Moreover, the marriage decision has sparked many issues for fans who believe that having a relationship improves the story. Heroes who want to be in life-long relationships display a deeper meaning as to what heroes can be. It shows that they’re able to stand by their partners as well as fight for the vulnerable. This moral complexity gives them a more significant role than just heartless crime fighters. Additionally, it serves as a representation of the fact that anyone can have a relationship and still be able to do the things they enjoy or have to do.
DC better start cleaning up their act or their sales are going to drop faster than The Flash can run around the world three times. While solving the Marriage issue is a good start, it is only the first step for the necessary changes DC must soon undergo.