How Early Is Too Early For Christmas? How Early Is Too Early For Christmas?
BY SAVANNAH KEYSER   Now that Halloween has come and gone, the Christmas frenzy is bound to begin any day. Now, don’t get me... How Early Is Too Early For Christmas?

too early for christmas



Now that Halloween has come and gone, the Christmas frenzy is bound to begin any day. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love Christmas just as much as the next guy, but there has to be some limit to how early it can make an appearance. Christmas is one of those holidays where the celebrations really take up a whole month instead of just that one day. Parties are thrown, festivals come into town, family starts to show up, all of this and more. Because of this, stores start stocking Christmas decorations in early October, which is just way too early. There is nothing like going to the store or the mall to look for Halloween decorations and costumes, only to find that all the shelves are already stocked with Christmas items.


Christmas should start coming into full swing the day after Thanksgiving as opposed to the day after Halloween, which tends to happen a lot. It is reasonable for Christmas gift shopping to start a little early to beat the crowds in the mall, but let’s give each holiday its own separate spotlight. The Christmas craze seems to get stronger and stronger each year and causes people to overlook Thanksgiving, which is actually a very lovely holiday, a whole day just to be with family and be thankful for what you have. The craze also tends to leave out other important holidays around that time of year like Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, which are just as important as Christmas.
It’s understandable that stores have started putting out their Christmas gifts now that we’re in November, but anytime before that is just too soon for my liking. Similarly, there are people who start listening to Christmas music and talk about Christmas in the beginning of November, they just skip over the whole of Thanksgiving and don’t even think about it. The prime time for Christmas-y things to begin should be after Thanksgiving is done. It’s actually a very common tradition to put the Christmas tree up on the day after Thanksgiving, and it is a tradition that everyone should follow.