With quotable lines in dialogue, memorable characters, and eccentric plot lines, cult movies have gained many passionate and loyal fans over the years. This category is refuge to those films that did not gross a lot of money in theaters, but later obtained popularity due to word of mouth recommendations. Nevertheless, the essence of cultdom is so much more than just sneering at films that are oh so-bad-they’re (actually) good. Quirky, Innovative, and surreal, they are the movies you can watch over again without boredom. Unfortunately, it seems as if the word “cult” has been wiped from the film world’s vocabulary. With its absence, the secret world of cinema outside of mainstream has all but wilted away. If you’ve never heard of these movies, it’s never too late to jump on the bandwagon and join the “cult”. Here are my favorites.
Upon release, this film just seemed too weird for the general audience. However you should never underestimate the ability of David Fincher *swoon*. His brilliant screenplay perfectly depicts the true excellence of the novel written by Chuck Palahniuk. While packed with violence, the story delves into philosophical radicalism, phobias, obsessions, and even unhinges the topic of identity. It also perhaps contains one of the best plot twists in history of cinematography.
Memorable line: “You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You’re the same decaying organic matter as everything else”
Despite the fact that the film is totally implausible, the Princess Bride is just so atmospheric you don’t even think about it. The story follows Wesley, a peasant farmer who goes on a heroic adventure to win the hand of his one true love. Riddled with comedy, fantasy and adventure, The Princess Bride still blends in an ample amount of romance. But, don’t mistakenly interpret this movie as a cliché chick flick. It has notably achieved the title as a classic cult due to its peculiar dialogue and eyebrow raising circumstances.
Memorable line: “Inconceivable!”
Way back before director Quentin Tarantino ruled the world (or at least my world) his directorial debut Reservoir Dogs premiered at The Sundance Film Festival and did not attain popularity until several years later. The film centers around a robbery gone wrong where a group of skilled criminals struggle to discover which one amongst them is the traitor. Tarantino cleverly shuffles back and forth in time, revealing details about the characters in a un -linear plot. The film contains everything a good Tarantino flick should: pop culture references, exaggerated gore, incredible amounts of profanity, and admirable dialogue. It also includes the best crazy guy torture scene ever. Hands down.
Memorable line: Are You Gonna Bark All Day, Little Doggy, Or Are You Gonna Bite?
With a budget of only $4.5 million, this film was almost scrapped completely before word of its existence swirled around the cinema world. The plot is about a troubled teenager who is awakened one night and led outside by a mysterious figure in a rabbit costume who tells him the world will end in 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds. The story continues with an overstuffed, mind-bending plot. But that’s not what makes Donnie Dark so great. What’s truly impressive about the film is that you really get lost in it. So entranced in the story, improbabilities diminish and seem insignificant in retrospect to the movie as a whole. It’s a rare feat all directors crave to accomplish, and an allure for all movie-lovers.
Memorable Line: Donnie: Why are you wearing that stupid bunny suit?
Frank: Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?