In popular culture, Miley Cyrus is debatably the most controversial and talked about name in entertainment today. Many would say she has lost her mind, others would say that her new bad girl persona is her smartest move yet. With her outrageous performances and revealing music video for her latest single “Wrecking Ball” many could say that their respect for herself as an artist vanished. Although Cyrus has lost a number of fans during this transition, she has also received an outrageous amount of attention. Her publicity has risen to an enormous height, whether it’s good or bad, she’s getting her name out there.
After the video of Cyrus “twerking” at the VMAs was released on the Internet, it immediately went viral and many people were in shock to see her dance so inappropriately. Since that video, everything has gone downhill for her. Growing up in the eyes of the public since the age of 13, Cyrus was adored by young fans who were glad she could be an ideal role model to them. Once known as an innocent country girl, many would not recognize the now raunchy and shocking artist.
Still, her PR team has to be doing something right; Miley broke Vevo’s record for the most views in a 24-hour period. Her song “Wrecking Ball” hit 12.3 million views, shattering the previous record. During her bizarre VMA performance she broke Twitters record for most tweets per second. Not only has the young star captured attention, but also new fans who admire her reckless attitude and bad girl persona
In the eyes of a mother who used to think Cyrus was a great role model, she has gone downhill. From an entertainer’s point of view that understands the medias point of her approach on getting all of the attention, Cyrus and her team are brilliant.