Over the course of history, cinema has gone through serious changes. Movies making can be traced back to the 1920’s, after which it wasn’t long before hand-cranked cameras we’re trumped by Technicolor and later enhanced by microphones. Even though it took 20 years to slay the VHS dragon, eventually that too yielded to DVDs due to their overwhelming practicality and quality. Now, as we transcend further into the 21st century, we have been graced with yet another advancement in digital technology: Blu-ray. Using an optimal blue laser with a shorter wavelength, Blu-Ray has revolutionized movies by creating a superb -high definition picture that greatly surpasses the capability of DVD’s. Still, despite the fact that these thin shiny cases continue to devour shelves, skepticism over “whether these movies are worth it” continues to endure. Although they are priced a bit higher than DVD’s, this cannot mask this irresistible advantages that Blu-ray has to offer.
Because of the blue laser technology, five times the information can be stored on a disc the same size as a DVD, thus increasing storage space and allowing room for better quality video and audio. Don’t believe me? Just pop in the Blu-ray addition of your favorite spaghetti western like Clint Eastwood’s The Good The Bad and The Ugly and you’ll be rewarded with instant gratification. Almost magically, distorted images of the arid deserts transform into a vibrant southwest with deep hues and depth. Anti-Blue- ray crusaders don’t even know what they are missing out on. Frame by frame, technicians spend hours stripping old films of dust particles and other glitches until a once grainy image becomes a pristine picture. Although it’s more noticeable with the restoration of classics, Blu-ray enhances the quality of all types of movies, allowing them to reach the height of their potential. There’s no denying it, Blue-ray format provides the best picture quality out there. It’s just realer. Deeper. Better
Still, the allure of Blu-ray is so much more than just a crisper image. It provides a superior audio and a plethora of enhancements and features that will have any movie -lover drooling. Even the most common complaint (high pricing) has been modified. Now that Blu-ray technology continues to evolve, prices have dropped and are now just a few dollars more than your average DVD. Even Blu-ray players are now sold for as little as $75 (Hint, I got mine at Wal-Mart). Although the full movie watching experience is achieved with an HDTV and surround sound, a routine Blu-ray player will get the job done.
Of course there’s nothing wrong with DVD’s. However, with better visuals, audio, features, and lowered prices, it’s no doubt that Blu-ray is a milestone in cinematography. If you’re a Movie buff craving the most comprehensive home entertainment experience, Blu-ray is simply the only way to go.