Glowco After Hours: Krazy Kickball, Powder Puff and Crazy Feats Glowco After Hours: Krazy Kickball, Powder Puff and Crazy Feats
BY LONDON DERNIS CCHS’ homecoming theme of  “glowco” came with three exciting after-school events. Games of Krazy Kickball, Powder Puff and Crazy Feats were... Glowco After Hours: Krazy Kickball, Powder Puff and Crazy Feats


CCHS’ homecoming theme of  “glowco” came with three exciting after-school events. Games of Krazy Kickball, Powder Puff and Crazy Feats were run by SGA and took place throughout homecoming week.

During these evening events, students wore their class color and showed off their cowboy spirit. Freshmen dressed in yellow, sophomores in green, juniors in purple and seniors in pink. From a simple headband to a neon tutu, the players and the crowd went all out for every game.

The events of homecoming week kicked off with Krazy Kickball. There were three matches, each lasting twenty minutes. The first of the night was a game between freshmen and juniors, and the second was sophomores against seniors.

“Everyone was cheering for their grade and it was all really exciting,” sophomore Olivia Kwavnick said. “Even though we lost, I still think that the sophomores played the best.”

Monday wrapped up with a final match between the winners of games one and two. Juniors and seniors went head to head, and the seniors came out victorious, making it the second consecutive win for the class of 2023.

“The seniors are on top, they always will be,” senior and player Helen Tremble said.

On Wednesday, CCHS had its first PowderPuff game since 2013. The game consists of a traditional football game, but with a twist… the cheerleaders and players switch places. The girls put on their flag football belts and headed to the field, while the guys grabbed their pom-poms and shouted “let’s get rowdy!”

The night consisted of two games that were coached by players from CCHS’ football team. Game one was freshmen against sophomores, resulting in a tie score of 6-6. Game two was juniors versus seniors, and the juniors secured their win with a final score of 14-0.

“We talked so much smack throughout the week, I knew we had to win and we did,” junior Isabella Riollano said.

Throughout the entirety of the matches, the guys could be spotted cheering on the sidelines or on the field for halftime performances.

“I’m considering joining the cheer team,” senior Yahli Shalom said. “We had about a week of practice with all the moves and stuff and then there was a couple of actual cheerleaders who taught us some stunts and stuff, and so it comes out being the best halftime show of your life.”

Hoco after-school events ended on Thursday with Crazy Feats. The night consisted of a variety of competitive games between grades. Freshman Erick Petersen said his favorite part of the night was the hungry, hungry hippos game.

“I wished there were more freshmen, but besides that it was fun,” Petersen said.

The games of Crazy Feats were the last of the homecoming after-school events and ultimately determined the winners of the homecoming spirit stick trophy. Sophomores ended in last place with nine points, preceded by freshmen with 10 points. Second place went to juniors with 14 points, making seniors the winner with a total of 21 points. 

CCHS’ 2022 homecoming week was an overall success with event participation that exceeded expectations. The juniors put up a good fight, but the class of 2023 seniors took home the gold with their spirit during glowco events.