Girls Lacrosse: Cowboys Participate In Preseason Tournament
Lacrosse & HockeySports February 15, 2011 Admin

Cowboys practice their lacrosse skills at practice before their tournament. The CCHS students take on Western this Wednesday for their first away game of the season. Photo Credit CAYSEE KAMENETSKY
The CCHS girls lacrosse team participated in their pre-season Tournament down in Kendall on Saturday, February 7th. During the tournament the team competed in four 20 minute mini-games against teams they will play during the regular season.
Though the first three games against Western, Cypress Bay, and Taravella ended in a loss, the team pulled together for the last game and were able to tie with South Plantation 1-1. This is a large improvement from their previous season losses of 19-0 against Western, 1-19 against Cypress Bay and 1-14 against South Plantation.
The pre-season tournament gave the players and coaches a chance to examine the weak spots before their first season game against Cypress Bay on Saturday, February 12th.