Homecoming Week 2019
October 17, 2019
Photos by Anabella Garcia

The Class of 2020 competes in tug of war at Crazy Feats.

Seniors Dylan Nelson and Hailey Brown use all of their strength in tug of war.

Junior Victoria Chiari and the Class of 2021 compete in tug of war.

Seniors carefully assemble cups in a cup-stacking competition at Crazy Feats.

Blindfolded students struggle to find their way as they compete in musical chairs.

Students try to pass an orange ball only using their necks.

Sophomore Tamar Shani and the Class of 2022 form a train as they scoot across the gym without using their hands.

Juniors “sew” themselves together by weaving yarn through their shirts.

A student dresses up as Damian from “Mean Girls” for Movie Character Day during Homecoming Spirit Week.

Junior Kaylyn Myers competes in Krazy Kickball.

Seniors, dressed in pink for “Homie Wars,” intently watch the Krazy Kickball game.

A group of sophomores decked out in their grade’s “Homie Wars” color, orange, pose for a picture.
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