Creating Change: Student activists on the rise
FeaturesNews Features February 8, 2023 Admin

High school students are participating in activism to raise awareness on topics passionate to them by attending protests and spreading information online. In today’s society, a lot of information is
Available to teenagers who are interested in growing involved in their community and becoming activists.
“I think somebody who raises awareness about discrimination that affects people in both big and small ways can be considered an activist,” sophomore Ruby Lualhati said.
Many high school students like Laulhati are discovering new ways to make their voices heard as more resources become available. Activism can range from going to protests to simply reposting a news article on social media. With new ways to get involved, student activists are multiplying in number.
“I’ve always felt strongly about speaking up for what I believe in and I think everyone should do the same,” Lualhati said.
Many CCHS students have joined clubs as a way to get involved in activism. Through clubs, students get the opportunity to collaborate as a team and work towards a difference in a variety of ways.
Different clubs have different goals to achieve and expectations set for their members. CCHS’ Multicultural club, for example, aims to educate students on various topics focusing on Peace Week and African American history.
“We hold fundraisers and informational interactive museums that hopefully get a strong message across,” Secretary of Multicultural club and sophomore Victoria Washington said.
While clubs are one way to get involved in activism, some students choose to utilize social media. Sites such as Instagram have become a way of sharing information within communities.
“I can’t go to protests, but I try to educate my friends and repost stuff on social media whether it’s for foundations or just informational,” sophomore Alana Khan said.
Students share posts from online newspapers like The New York Times or The Washington Post. These accounts have gathered a combined total of almost 22 million followers on their Instagram profiles. With their growing attention, a news post from these accounts can be spread to millions of people.
“When I repost something on my [Instagram] story, it is likely to be reposted by someone else,” junior Mia Estremera said. “The reposting just keeps continuing and the article ends up reaching so many people.”
Technology is constantly advancing and news outlets are establishing an online presence for public convenience. With more and more people joining the digital world, the current generation of activists stands out from past ones.
“We [Generation Z students] have more access to information because we grew up around the internet and we also know how to use it to our advantage really well,” Lualhati said. “There are now more ways to raise awareness, and it [the internet] has become a way for people around the world to connect and make a difference.”
Online forms of communication have become a way of being involved in activism while feeling safe in the comfort of a home. For some, this proves to be the convenient option, while others may prefer to be involved in person.
One way of doing this is by joining student government. CCHS has its own student government association (SGA) elective which offers a variety of positions for those willing to campaign for a spot in the class.
Class of 2025 President Ella Shuch, who is now in her second year as class president, holds responsibilities such as planning fundraisers and acting as her class’ spokesperson. Through attending meetings and collaborating with other officers, Shuch has been able to come up with creative and innovative ideas that benefit CCHS’ campus.
“I want to organize events where students can voice their concerns and feel heard by their leaders… as well as keeping everyone educated on issues the world is facing,” Shuch said.
As somebody who joined student government during her elementary school years, Shuch hopes to continue her involvement and use her voice when others might not feel comfortable speaking up.
“I know I’m not alone when I say that I’ve gone through all the motions of feeling voiceless in a world with thousands of voices all trying to talk at the same time and not everyone agreeing with the next person,” Shuch said. “It’s hard to feel like there’s nothing you can do, but there are things we [students] can do, and together I want to do more to get our concerns brought up.”
Students around the world can use whatever resources accessible to them to join the activist movement. Partaking in protests or simply sharing news with a friend helps important information travel and knowledge spread. Speaking up is always better than staying silent and when a student truly believes in creating a change, the passion can shine through.