Burrowing Owls are listed as species of concern by the United States Fish and Wildlife. Photo Courtesy of PROJECT PERCH.
After Pioneer Middle School student Maxwell Earle discovered an injured Burrowing Owl in Rock Creek, he took it upon himself to inform the Wildlife Care Facility. On Dec. 9, 2010 the Wildlife Care Facility held a welcoming ceremony to release the Burrowing Owl back to the area it was found.
SPEC Wildlife Care, Audubon’s Project Perch, Project Perch, and NatureScape Broward took part in this event. These organizations held a booth with information on the environment and the Burrowing Owl population.
“We were invited to help with community outreach,” NatureScape Broward Outreach Coordinator Diane Guidry said.
Mayor Debby Eisinger gave a speech to the attendees of the event. In the speech Eisinger introduced each organization taking part in the event and praised the attendees for caring about the wildlife in their community. The Burrowing Owl was then released by Earle with the help of Wildlife Care Facility members.
Along with Cooper City residents, students from Griffin Elementary came to observe the release of the Burrowing Owl into its natural habitat. Cooper City High School’s S.I.T.E club (Students Improving The Environment) were also invited to attend.
“Right after the Burrowing Owl was released, it was instantly attracted to a burrow with another Burrowing Owl inside,” Project Perch website creator Jacqueline Sanchez said.
Burrowing Owls are currently on the State of Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission list of species of concern. However, many Burrowing Owls can be found in Cooper city.
“We are one of the prime areas for burrows,” Guidry said.
While the Burrowing Owl did relocate to a habitat, it is an ongoing effort that will be continually monitored by Project Perch.