How to get over Harry Potter? It’s a difficult process. If you aren’t already obsessed with the Harry Potter series and deeply devastated at its end, I’m going to assume you can’t read or have been petrified by a basilisk for the last ten years. Now, if you are a normal person who comprehends how awesome the series truly is, congratulations, you feel my sorrow! The magical series was the end all, be all of fantasy books. So, now we have two choices, either we attempt to try something new or we stay in a state of perpetual mourning for eternity.
Let’s give option one a shot before we have to change our wardrobe to all black.
Step one in the process of getting over Harry Potter is re-reading the books and re-watching the series until every line is memorized, so that you can reflect on its awesomeness with expert authority. Try writing some fan fiction and visit a bunch of fan sites, it can be very helpful in this healing process.
Now, it’s time to move on. There are tons of new series out there to capture your attention and enthrall your senses. Many distraught people with a hole the size of the sorcerers stone in their hearts have turned to other fantasy, action and adventure series; such as, The Hunger Games, Divergent or The Mortal Instruments, all of which are wonderful and deserve a chance. If you are already familiar with these books, take a trip to the library! Find a random book in a corner and read it, who knows, it might just be the next big thing, or dare I say it, better than Harry Potter.
If you just can’t find it in your heart to try a new series, watch every single episode of Big Bang Theory. It might get your mind off HP, and all that science exposure might turn you into a physicist. Not interested? That’s all right; try reigniting your former obsession with Star Wars. You know you love it. Even better, read the entire Lord Of The Rings series and watch all the movies in one sitting. You need to find a new obsession whether it is Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, or Walking Dead. Pick something and make it stick!
If all of this fails, then I must inform you that you are truly addicted and there is no hope for you, keep reading the books and watching the movies. Try reading them in different languages or drawing out scenes for the books. Wait vigilantly for your letter to come from Hogwarts and pre-order your robes.
Apply for a job at Universal’s Harry Potter theme park because it’s the only place people will actually expect you to know every spell, play quidditch, and treat the characters like personal friends. It’s Harry Potter paradise and the closest to Hogwarts any muggle is ever going to get.
If you can’t beat Harry Potter, don’t worry, even he who shall not be named couldn’t defeat him and he had an advantage of dark magic at his disposal.