Relay for Life, an annual event in which participants walk to raise money for cancer patients, takes place at Western High School on April 6th and lasts a full 24 hours.
Relay for Life is an event that was created in 1985 by Dr. Gordy Klatt in an effort to raise money for cancer patients and treatments. An average of 20 people per team walk around the track for a straight 24 hours as a symbolic message that cancer never sleeps so neither will we. There are over 5,200 Relay for Life events across the United States and over $4.5 billion money from fundraising. Cooper City plays an active role in participating in Relay for Life. For over ten years, CCHS has had many teams sign up for this event. They participate in it annually and raise over $5,000 each year. Cooper City- Davie has a goal of $100,000 this year and would appreciate all the help they can receive.
CCHS has many clubs that form teams for this event, such as NHS, Key Club and FMPA. It is never too late to sign up to be on one of these teams but one of the requirements is a registration fee of $100. This money can either be fund raised or personal cash. Once you are registered on a team you can have people sponsor you and make donations for your team or towards the American Cancer Society. The event itself is very enjoyable with booths set around the track selling food, drinks, and entertainment. Each team has to revolve their booth around a theme and this year’s theme is game boards. CCHS wants to make a greater impact with donations to Relay for Life and are asking fellow CCHS students to be a more active role and get more involved. Even the smallest donations help and it goes toward a great cause.
“Relay for life touches everyone and is a great event that not difficult to do and everyone knows what you`re doing it for so it feels really great,” Captain of the Key Club Relay For Life Team Pooja Keithredy said.