Holocaust Student Awareness Day for High School Students, a prejudice reduction program for 9th - 12th grade students, was held on Thursday, December 11. Students and teachers from all over Broward County had the opportunity to hear from Holocaust survivors, authors, and historians about the tragic event.
The program strives to sensitize and inform students about the dangers of discrimination. All participants were placed in a conference-like atmosphere, and given the chance to speak directly to the survivors. Every year, The Holocaust Documentation and Education Center sends out an email encouraging Broward County schools to come to their annual Student Awareness day. This year, World History teacher Peggy Wilfong decided to accept the invitation and set up a “first come, first serve” field trip, allowing 25 students to attend.
“I feel as though field trips are necessary because they allow an alternate learning experience,” said Mrs. Wilfong. “This one specifically because there aren’t many Holocaust survivors left and the opportunity to experience them in this unique setting is becoming quite rare.”