CCHS students registering voters for the upcoming election. Whether students are supporting Obama or Romney, they are taking an active role in politics. PHOTO CREDIT: STUDENTS FOR OBAMA
In preparation for the presidential election less than two months away, many students are focused on spreading support for their favored presidential candidate and some are excited about heading to the polls to vote for the very first time.
Even though a majority of the Class of 2013 will not be participating, everyone has some idea of who they would like to see in Oval Office next year.
In an informal survey, a sample of CCHS seniors were asked about voting in the upcoming election. According to the results, only a small percentage of CCHS students can and will be casting their vote in the 2012 presidential election. However, most students seem to have already registered or are thinking about pre-registering for the next election if they can’t vote this year.
“I already registered to vote at my old school, so when I turn 18 they’ll just send me my card and I’ll be a registered Republican,” senior Nadia Rojas said.

CCHS students at their first Students For Obama meeting. These students work with Obama For America: Florida to gain support for the reelection of President Obama. PHOTO CREDIT: STUDENTS FOR OBAMA
On September 1st, students from CCHS and all across Cooper City met to conduct the first meeting of the Cooper City Students for Barack Obama organization. These high school students work together with Obama for America: Florida to make a difference in the election. They meet every Saturday at noon with the goal of getting other high school students involved and reaching out to voters who are undecided. They also canvass, register voters, keep abreast of party activity, and conduct trainings.
No matter if they support President Obama or Governor Romney, it seems that voters and nonvoters alike are well informed on the issues our country is facing and where each candidate stands on them. Senior Dean Yaron explained his reasoning for siding with Governor Mitt Romney.
“Obama is focused on social issues like same-sex marriage and abortion, both of which I support,” Yaron said. “However, the real problem is currently the economy and that is Romney’s ultimate priority.”
Conversely, senior Arthur Kulawik felt President Obama has done and will continue to do a great job.
“I feel great about president Obama’s work,” Kulawik said. “He saved the auto industry back in ’09, passed Healthcare reform, increased our stature abroad, and issued the order to kill Osama Bin Laden. He’s been doing what he can to get the country out of the recession, but most of his motions have been blocked by the Republican controlled congress. Even still, he’s managed to create positive job growth every month for over 30 months now.”
It appears President Obama and Governor Romney both have ample representation and support within the CCHS student body.
In November, CCHS will be in a flurry of activity. Students will be getting ready to cast their vote or doing last minute campaigning for Obama-Biden or Romney-Ryan. It seems that everyone is feeling patriotic and psyching themselves for making their mark on the nation’s history.