Cooper City High School’s Key Club hosted their seventh annual Pancake Breakfast to raise funds for a variety of international charities on Saturday January 31.
CCHS’s Key Club is just one branch of a very large organization known as Kiwanis International. Kiwanis International contains both student led community Key Clubs, as well as an assortment of Kiwanis Clubs in which are adult run groups. The purpose of these groups is to raise money for important community projects and charities, such as Feeding Children Everywhere, as well as UNISEF. In helping the club earn money for such organizations, students gain service hours, as well as a sense of leadership and belonging within the society.
The seventh annual Pancake Breakfast featured over 30 vendors, a community garage sale, a car wash, and of course, pancakes. The car wash area was equipped with about 10 people, and included the club’s president Zabryna Atkinson- Diaz, as well as one of the co-sponsors, Kelly Agnew, who took over the position this year along with David Osborn. The club washed more than 30 cars, and considered it a successful venture.
“Compared to last year, we did much better this year in terms of the car wash,” Atkinson-Diaz said. “Possibly, in part, due to location. We were hidden behind the old building like we were last year, and we also have more members this year than we did last year.”
The garage sale part of the fundraiser had people shopping through over 30 tents worth of items, ranging from baby items to pet supplies and just about anything in between. Local radio station 99.9 KISS Country came out to show their support for the event, helping keep the crowd alive with today’s Country Music Hits. There were bouquets of items raffled off to people who had purchased tickets.
“This year we have a lot more people who came out to look at the items, and I think it is because of how much more we had to offer this year,” Sophomore Club Member Nisa Moses said.
The pancake breakfast portion of the fundraiser can be considered by many to be the most successful part. There were tables of freshly made pancakes, and enough toppings to serve a small army. People who came to shop were found taking a break to satisfy their hunger, while other attendants ate as they awaited their car to be finished getting clean. Even still, others came just or the famous pancakes. Regardless, all shared one thing in common… the money they spent on their tasty breakfast, all goes to the same place, to an organization that will help lead the future.