Review: H&M Miami
BY RACHEL HAAS Thousands of restless shoppers camped out and lined Lincoln Road to be the first ones to have an H&M shopping experience. To manage the crowd the streets were roped off as people anxiously awaited the Grand Opening of H&M Miami. With free give-a-ways and a special... Read more
Fashion Forward: Warhol
BY RACHEL GAMBACH With the 25th anniversary of his death, acclaimed artist and fashion icon Andy Warhol is experiencing a comeback in the fashion world. From runways to lip-gloss his name is popping up everywhere. New York’s metropolitan museum of art is having a “Regarding Warhol : Sixty Artists,... Read more
Fantasy Tip Sheet: Week 13
BY A.J. KURZMAN The fantasy football regular season has concluded which means it’s time for the playoffs.  This is when you see if all the hard work you put into managing you team has really paid off.  I wish everyone good luck this coming weekend except to the people... Read more
Game On: Video Game Sequels
BY ALEX BARNARD Games like Call of Duty, Assassins Creed, and Halo dominate the video game market each year by relying upon their long-time fans. Original IP’s, typically lack a dedicated fan base, and therefore tend to be crushed in terms of sales. Modern Warfare 3, although criticized for... Read more
Here We Are, Now Entertain Us: The Best Cult Movies
BY BLUE KAUFMAN With quotable lines in dialogue, memorable characters, and eccentric plot lines, cult movies have gained many passionate and loyal fans over the years.   This category is refuge to those films that did not gross a lot of money in theaters, but later obtained popularity due... Read more
The Lariat Mix: The Message Behind The Music
BY OLIVIA PASCALE-WONG Music is one source of history that can’t be printed in a textbook, magazine, or journal; it is our own personal way of time traveling that brings us back to what life used to be. Songs give us insight into the morals, values, and opinions of... Read more
Fantasy Tip Sheet: Week 12

Fantasy Tip Sheet: Week 12

Blogs November 30, 2012

BY AJ KURZMAN Week 12 was a little bit lighter on scoring than usual. Is there anything better than waking up Thanksgiving morning, smelling the delicious cooking, and turning on the TV to watch some football? The answer is no. In some other NFL news, Collin Kaepernick looks like... Read more
Sudden Stop:The Best Cancelled TV Shows
BY JEREMY HAAS Watching TV is how a lot of people spend most of their time, in fact, according to the New York Times, the average American watches around 34 hours of TV per week.  Whether these hours are wasted on some dumb competition like Dancing with The Stars, or... Read more
Rough Seas Ahead For Internet Piracy
BY ALEX BARNARD Richard O’Dwyer is a college student in England who created a website named   This website was a search engine to find TV shows and movies online, and although it hosted no illegal content (instead it directed users to other sites) and was located in the... Read more
Review: Miguel – Kaleidoscope Dream
BY DANIELLA ASPURU R&B singer Miguel recently released his 2nd album Kaleidoscope Dream on October 2nd.  Being raised in California to a Latino father and African American mother, they gave him the passion for music, while Michael Jackson’s career and dancing techniques made him want to further his career.  By the age of 17... Read more