EntertainmentReviews April 4, 2013
BY AMANDA MARCOTTE Imagine yourself gazing off into volcanic smoke only to discover a branch of lightning streaming through the thick haze while burning hot lava boils beneath a beautiful sky. They say a picture is worth a thousand words but on you’ll find your imagination running aimlessly... Read more
Lariat Mix: Discovering Classic Rock
Blogs April 3, 2013
BY JACOB FIERMAN Everyone goes through phases in life. Some people grow to like classical music, some fall into punk rock, and others transition into a love for rap and hip-hop. In my case, I started out with a passion for rap but I switched musical genres to a... Read more
Lariat Mix: Bummer Playlist
Blogs April 1, 2013
BY JEREMY HAAS Music has always been considered an outlet for emotions. Be it love, angst, or holiday cheer, there should always be a message behind music, as that’s the only way to truly make it genuine. Unfortunately, much of the popular music of today is created from ambition rather than... Read more
Fashion Forward: Rings
ColumnsEntertainment April 1, 2013
BY ALIYAH CUNNINGHAM From the city of New York to the beautiful and luxurious location of Paris, fashion trends tend to originate from around the globe. Among these innovative trends, rings are among the most popular. Depending on what is fashionable in clothing, these rings come in diverse shapes and sizes.... Read more
Technically Speaking: Pinterest And Wanelo
Blogs April 1, 2013
BY RACHEL GAMBACH When it comes to procrastination, the internet is often the reason behind it. With a variety of things to do, the web is the perfect way to waste some time. However, when talking about addictive internet time wasters, Wanelo and Pintrest are at the top of... Read more
Sports Page: MLB Opening Day
Blogs April 1, 2013
BY BLUE KAUFMAN Baseball fans rejoice! Opening day is almost here. Yielding the best pitching matchups of the season, April 1 will mark the end of a tedious winter with nothing to watch on TV. Whether it’s the Dodgers expecting a World Series win or the Cubs sheepishly telling... Read more
Game On: Digital Rights Mismanagement
Blogs April 1, 2013
BY ALEX BARNARD Digital rights management, commonly referred to as DRM, is any technology that a digital content producer uses to set how the consumer may use their digital product. The purpose of DRM is to stop pirates from enjoying illegally obtained digital goods. DRM can range from mild... Read more
The Evolution Of Oz
Entertainment March 21, 2013
BY STACEY PASTERNAK The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, a book written in 1900 by L. Frank Baum, sounds very familiar to most people. After all, most kids see peers who haven’t seen the 1939 film adaptation, The Wizard of Oz, as outcasts or, as we teens like to call... Read more
Great Movies Ignored By The Oscars
Entertainment March 20, 2013
BY ALEX BARNARD The Academy Awards, commonly referred to as the Oscars, have long recognized the top movies coming out each year with an assortment of prestigious awards. Between the likes of Django Unchained, Silver Linings Playbook, and Argo 2012 was a great year for film, and each of... Read more
Review: Californication
EntertainmentReviews March 20, 2013
BY JACOB FIERMAN Constantly filled with mania and depression, Californication takes viewers on a rollercoaster ride as it expresses its ups and downs. The t.v. series follows the unique life of a writer named Hank Moody played by David Duchovny who also starred in the hit series The X... Read more
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