Boys volleyball: Week recap
SportsVolleyball April 23, 2018 Admin

The Cowboys had a very relaxed week, consisting of only two games. The Cowboys played Piper High School on Tuesday and Miramar High School on Friday. They were able to beat both teams, putting their record at 10-6.
On Tuesday April 3, the Cowboys faced off in an away game against Piper High School. The Cowboys controlled the majority of the game, finishing with a score of 3-1. The Cowboys took the first set with a score of 25-17, but Piper didn’t let that get them down.
Piper continued to fight and both teams worked hard to gain key points and make vital plays to win the set. The Cowboys seemed to be too comfortable with the outcome of the first set, causing them to fall behind and allowing Piper to take the set, beating the Cowboys by 6 points, and tying the game 1-1.
Cooper City quickly bounced back and was able to win the next set with a score of 25-17, and eventually the last set 25-18. Ian Espinosa had 8 kills and three aces, giving the Cowboys a total of 11 points throughout the game. Thomas Tovar was also able to help add some points to the board with 16 assists and 5 service points.
Cooper City had a two day break from games and were hard at work, practicing for their upcoming game against Miramar. On Friday April 6, the Cowboys faced off against Miramar High School. The Cowboys continued to dominate the majority of the teams they played, beating Miramar 3-0.
The Patriots put up a good fight in the first set, challenging the Cowboys to play a little more aggressive. Cooper City gave up a few points here and there but were ultimately able to win the first set. The set ended with the Cowboys in the lead and a score of 25-18.
The Patriots were a little down after losing the first set and the Cowboys saw an opportunity to take the win. The Cowboys fought even harder to secure the second set and give them a good shot at winning the game. The second set went by quickly ending with a score of 25-10. The last set was a very close game, the Cowboys continued to push and win the set 25-21, which gave them the game. Adam Hartmann was able to contribute to the score by having four kills, four service points and an ace. Noah Gannon also racked up some points with two kills and four aces, while Ethan Frankel had nine assists and five aces.
Photo by The Lariat Photography