Final Score: Cooper City 3, Coconut Creek 0
The 2019-20 volleyball season is underway once again. With the girls’ volleyball season well in the past, the boys’ have emerged in hopes of living up to their counterpart’s district title. The Cowboys have already taken to the courts, securing various victories at the start of their season.
Unlike girls’ volleyball, which takes place in the fall, the boys’ season takes place in the spring. The team began to take shape after the student body’s return from winter break. Coach Joseph Fatout spent a majority of January recruiting athletes through a series of tryouts. Once players were selected, the team participated in weeks of practice in preparation for the start of the competition season.
“It’s my first year with the volleyball team and I’m so grateful to be surrounded by such hard-working and amazing people,” sophomore Max Novak said. “Cooper has such a tight-knit community and it has allowed me to find a newfound respect for the sport.”
The season officially began with the boys’ first game in mid-February. Since then, the Cowboys have managed to clinch five straight victories, two of which were against district opponents. Their most recent game took place on March 9 at home against the Coconut Creek Cougars.
“It’s my first year with the volleyball team and I’m so grateful to be surrounded by such hard-working and amazing people.”
Sophomore Max Novak
As the Cowboys stepped onto their home court, it was clear that they were determined to maintain their record. Arranged in their starting lineup, Cooper City quickly established their dominance, scoring consecutive points right off the bat. Coconut Creek appeared unprepared for their opponent’s explosive offense.
The set progressed relatively quickly, as the Cougars were unable to match the Cowboys on offense and defense. Eventually, Cooper City reached its end goal, allowing Coconut Creek to score only a few points here and there. The set concluded with a score of 25-6.
Going into the second set, the Cougars returned much more prepared. Their offense was able to put more balls over the net, increasing their score from the first set. However, despite slowing down the pace of the game, the Cougars continued to struggle on defense, failing to block many of the Cowboys’ attempts. The set concluded with a score of 25-9 in favor of Cooper City.
While the Cowboys had already secured their victory, the teams opted to play the final set for additional practice. The third set progressed much like the second, with the Cougars’ bettering their scoring attempts but continuing to allow consecutive points by the Cowboys. The third set ended with a familiar score of 25-9, once again favoring Cooper City.
“We really put our hearts into that game.”
Sophomore Nathan Reed
“This was a good mood boost, as it was an easy win and our bench got a good time,” freshman Lucas Livachof said. “We all played great, preparing [us] for our next games.”
Senior Ethan Silverman was one of the many players vital to the Cowboys’ success, leading the team with seven total blocks. Senior Ethan Frankel made 25 kills and sophomore Kyle Mitchell made 58 assists over the course of the game. Senior Ian Espinoza also put on a groundbreaking performance with 10 serving aces and 42 digs.
Overall, the Cowboys’ were extremely satisfied with their performance. Cooper City’s swift and substantial victory over Coconut Creek has allowed them to maintain their momentum. The boys were sure to applaud one another, hoping to observe similar success in the competition to come.
“We really put our hearts into that game,” sophomore Nathan Reed said. “Cheering for each other was really something to see.”
Photo by Anabella Garcia