On Thursday, November 11th, the Cooper City High School Cowboys boys soccer team faced off against South Plantation High School.The Cowboys received their second win of the week, with a score of 1-0.
The first 40 minutes was an even match between both teams, the intensity was high and each team fought hard. The stakes were high for both teams, neither team’s defense would budge, not even giving up a counter attack. Most of the first half was controlled by both team’s midfield, not allowing much space for either team to do much.
The second half came and the Cowboys had a fire lit under them ready to score. The Cowboys connected on one play by countering the defense and almost scoring, the Cowboys were then on a roll, ready to score. This lead to a corner kick against South Plantation, freshman Bryan Riod headed the ball in, scoring for the Cowboys, the crowd and bench went wild. The score was then 1-0.
“Scoring the goal was an amazing feeling, but it wasn’t just me, it was the whole team.” said Bryan Rios.
The Cowboys managed to keep a strong defense, only giving up one chance to South Plantation, luckily for CCHS, the Paladins missed. The Cowboys had chance after chance and became slightly frustrated with being called offsides because they may have been able to rack up the score if they weren’t off. Finally, the game ended with a cowboy win. FINAL SCORE: Cowboys 1, Paladins 0.