Air Travel v. Cruises
BlogsEntertainment February 10, 2015 Admin

We live in a country with countless modes of transportation by all sorts of methods. Of course, one could just stand up and walk, but in this day and age, speed matters. Why walk when you could drive? When you could ride a bike or a bus? Catch a train or a plane? When it comes to speed, air travel is the go-to mode of transportation. One should never find themselves on a boat; that is unless they want to die. I might sound a tad bit dramatic, but have you heard of the Titanic? What was once the world’s largest most luxurious cruise ship is now a museum- underwater. You’re far more at risk stranded in the middle of the ocean for days or weeks at a time on an overgrown raft with hundreds of people than on any other mode of transportation. However, with a plane, you’ll arrive at your desired destination in a fraction of the time without the risk of your untimely death by drowning. I bet you didn’t know that statistically, you’re more likely to be killed by a mule than in a plane crash. Do you know any mules? Probably not.
You may argue that it’s extremely dangerous to shoot through the sky in a pressurized metal tube, but the pilots and the crew are very highly trained individuals and you are- most of the time- in safe hands. On a boat of some sort, you may have a skilled captain but bodies of water are in no way predictable or tame and therefore are far more hazardous. Turbulence is a rather maintainable situation. A nautical vessel being approached by a rogue wave-not so much. Essentially, air travel is a faster, safer, and more effective means of travel.