CCHS Students Take The Lead In Learning About Government CCHS Students Take The Lead In Learning About Government
BY RACHEL SHARPE The City of Cooper City and Cooper City High School have joined together to implement a new program, Leadership in Government,... CCHS Students Take The Lead In Learning About Government

Students watch a demonstration at the Cooper City Water Treatment Center. Photo Courtesy of THEA CHESNEY


The City of Cooper City and Cooper City High School have joined together to implement a new program, Leadership in Government, which gives students the opportunity to enhance their education about local, state and national government through interactive activities.

Led by American Government teacher and Social Studies Department Head, John McCall, the program puts eight to 10 seniors into the real world to experience various aspects of our local government. Once a month, students are taken out of class to participate in various activities, including the attendance of one Cooper City Commission Meeting following four field classes. The curriculum includes the opportunity to meet with elected government leaders in our community, support staff, government employees and department officials.

“I am hoping that this program will help reinforce what students are learning in the classroom by exposing them to current issues in our local government,” McCall said.

Students chosen for the unique program are selected by the Department Head or teachers from the social studies department. According to the Cooper City Educational Advisory Board, students who were chosen expressed an interest in learning about the functions of our local government, have a qualifying point average, and display good character traits.

The Educational Advisory Board, who funds the program, created a detailed curriculum of monthly topics and activities, all the way through February 2011. Topics including an Introduction to City Government, Public Works, Recreation and City Citizen Services, Police and Fire rescue.

In October, Leadership in Government students went on their first excursion to Cooper City’s City Hall. Mayor Debby Eisinger shared a PowerPoint presentation which provided students with a basic understanding of the Cooper City Government. They learned about the importance of municipal government, the duties of local elected officials, and the services that our city provides to its residents.

“While learning about the commissioner’s jobs, we were given the rare opportunity to see the inside of City Hall,” senior Thea Chesney said. “Everything was very hands on, from introducing ourselves to the commissioners to meeting the secretaries of the main office.”

They also learned first-hand about the city’s finance department, including the responsibilities of each department, the purpose of each area of funding, general fund revenues, property tax assessments, general fund expenditures graphs and what it takes to be a finance director.

The second excursion took place on November 18th, where 10 students visited to Cooper City’s Utility Plant, where students took a tour of the plant and observed sewage treatment and water testing. Students learned the responsibilities of those who work in the water department, streets department and as part of the landscaping services in our community.

“I think it is a wonderful experience for students to go out into the real world,” Eisinger said. “I am a firm believer that real world experiences will better enable students with deciding what career path they want to choose upon graduating from high school.“

At the end of the program, after attending a final city commission meeting, a graduation ceremony will be held to mark the students’ completion of the program. Leadership in Government also provides students with information on additional opportunities to enter public sector careers if that is a career option for them.

One of the most important aspects of the program is to reinforce what students are learning on a day-to-day basis in their regular government class. Students are taught about laws that are constantly changing in our world, including many that they are unaware of.

“Leadership in Government has made me realize that all government is related,” senior Kristi D’Agati said. “What may seem like a small law or rule can make a huge difference in society. I realized how much the government goes by the books, which is exactly what we are learning in class.”

Currently, the program is only offered in Cooper City, however there is a possibility that the program may be offered at other schools in the future.  Program organizers say it is a great way to get students excited about the roles they can play in society and the impact they can make in their own communities.

“Seeing the enthusiastic responses from the students, this appears to be an excellent program that has the possibility to grow far beyond our boundaries,” McCall said.

CCHS students partake in Cooper City's Leadership in Government program. Photo Courtesy of THEA CHESNEY